Although DEERS and the ID card system arerelated, there are instances when the beneficiary is inpossession of a valid ID card and the DEERS systemshows the patient as ineligible or not in the database. Inthese instances, eligibility verification using the IDcard shall not override DEERS without some othertype of collateral documentation. (See sections onDEERS overrides and exceptions later in this chapter.)It must be stressed that military treatment facilities(MTFs) are to verify eligibility.Establishment ofeligibility is under the cognizance of the respectiveservice personnel offices.EligibilityPatients who present for non-emergency treatmentwithout a valid ID card but who are in the DEERSdatabase will not be provided medical care withoutfirst signing a statement that they are eligible andgiving the reason why a valid ID card is not in theirpossession. If a valid ID card is not provided within 30calendar days, the patient is referred for billing as aCivilian Humanitarian Non-indigent, in accordancewith the R e s o u rc e s M a n a g e m e n t H a n d b o o k,NAVMED P-5020. Such billing may be delayed if thecommanding officer of the facility is convinced proofis delayed for reasons beyond the control of the patientor sponsor. In all cases where a patient presentswithout an ID card and does not appear in the DEERSdatabase, non-emergency care will be denied.REASONS FOR INELIGIBILITY.—When aDEERS check is performed and the patient is foundineligible for any of the following reasons, routinenon-emergency healthcare will be denied (except asnoted later in this section).Sponsor not enrolled in DEERSDependent not enrolled in DEERSIneligible due to passed terminal (end) eligibilitydateSponsor has separated from active dutySpouse is divorced from sponsor and is notentitled to benefits as a former spouseDependent child is marriedUNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THECLERK PERFORMING THE ELIGIBILITYCHECK DENY THE REQUESTED CARE. Onlycommand-designated supervisory personnel canperform this function.DEERS ELIGIBILITY OVERRIDES.—Thenine “DEERS eligibility overrides” are listed below.Unless otherwise stated, all overrides must besupported by a valid ID card.1. DD 1172—The patient presents an original orcopy of the DD 1172 used for DEERSenrollment. There are specific items requiredfor verification, and current service directivesmust be checked.2. All Other Dependents Recently BecomingEligible for Benefits—Patients who becomeeligible for benefits in the previous 120 daysmay be treated upon presentation of a valid IDcard. For children under 10 years of age, a validID card of a parent or guardian is acceptable.Upon application for care beyond 120 days,follow the procedure in item 1, above.3. New Identification Card—Patients presentingwith a new valid ID card, issued within theprevious 120 days, will not be denied care.4. Ineligible Due to ID Card Expiration—Whenthe database shows a patient as ineligiblebecause of ID card expiration, care may berendered as long as the patient has a new ID cardissued within the previous 120 days. After 120days, follow the procedure in item 1, above.5. Sponsors Entering Active Duty Status for aPeriod of Greater than 30 Days—A copy oforders ordering a reservist or guardsman to anactive duty period of greater than 30 days may beaccepted for the first 120 days of the active dutyperiod. After that, follow the procedure in step 1.6. Newborns—Newborns will not be denied carefor a period of 1 year following birth. Thepatient’s birth certificate suffices whenpresented with a parent’s valid ID card.7. Emergency Care—This is a medical decisionand shall be determined by criteria establishedwithin the command.8. Sponsor’s Duty Station is Outside the 50United States or has an APO/FPOAddress—Dependents whose sponsors areassigned outside the 50 United States or to aduty station with an APO/FPO address will notbe denied care as long as the sponsor is enrolledand eligible in DEERS.9. Survivors—When an eligibility checkindicates that a deceased sponsor is not enrolled15-2
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