Physical Readiness Program, 15-5
Physiology, 1-1
Poisoning, 5-1
absorbed poisons, 5-8
assessment and treatment of patient, 5-1
diagnosis of poisoning, 5-2
general treatment, 5-3
ingested poisons, 5-3
inhalation poisons, 5-7
injected poisons and envenomations, 5-9
Position and direction, terms, 1-1
Preparation and processing remains, 16-6
burial clothing, 16-7
caskets, 16-7
certificate of death (overseas), 16-7
clothing, 16-7
initial preparation, 16-7
inspection of remains, 16-7
overseas facilities, 16-7
placement of remains in casket or transfer case,
Preparing a MILSTRIP requisition, 13-12
material receipt, custody, and stowage, 13-12
other repair parts, 13-14
shelf-life material, 13-14
special stowage of items, 13-14
storerooms, 13-14
placement of remains in casket or transfer case,
Prescriptions, 6-20
authorized prescribers, 6-22
filing prescriptions, 6-24
filling prescriptions, 6-23
parts of the prescription, 6-20
Preventive medicine, 10-3
food-service sanitation, 10-4
habitability, 10-3
immunizations and communicable diseases, 10-4
sanitation, 10-3
vector and pest control, 10-3
wastewater treatment and disposal, 10-5
water supply, 10-5
Primary and secondary medical records, 12-1
primary, 12-1
secondary, 12-2
Procuring mortuary services, 16-6
annual contracts, 16-6
authorized services, 16-6
one-time contracts, 16-6
private arrangements, 16-6
Procurement, 13-6
BUMED-controlled items, 13-9
levels of supply, 13-7
professional books and publications, 13-9
purchases, 13-9
requisitions, 13-7
Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority
System (UMMIPS), 13-11
Professional ethics, 2-4
Professional practice, 2-3
accountability, 2-3
patient advice, 2-3
patient behavior, 2-3
professional limitations, 2-3
Programs, Decedent Affairs, 16-1
Radiological warfare, 8-12
decontamination, 8-16
effects on personnel, 8-14
exposure factors, 8-13
history, 8-13
protection and treatment, 8-15
Reimbursement procedures, 16-13
government services not utilized within CONUS,
government services not utilized outside CONUS,
government services utilized, 16-13
Releasing medical information, 12-4
releasing medical information for research, 12-5
guidelines for releasing medical information, 12-4
releasing medical information to federal and state
agencies, 12-5
Reporting expenses, 16-13
Reporting and assessment procedures, 2-10
reporting, 2-10
self-questioning techniques for, 2-11
Rescue and transportation, 3-12
protective equipment, 3-13
Rescue procedures, 3-14
moving the victim to safety, 3-17
transportation of the injured, 3-24
Respiratory system, 1-32
anatomy of the respiratory system, 1-33
process of respiration, 1-36
Reporting requirements, 14-1
appointment log, 14-2
binnacle list, 14- 2
immunization log, 14-2
medical department journal, 14-1
morning report of the sick, 14-2
reports to the officer of the deck or day (OOD), 14-1