Endocrine systemContinued
pituitary gland, 1-42
thyroid gland, 1-42
Environmental hygiene, 2-28
aesthetics, 2-28
concurrent and terminal cleaning, 2-28
climate control, 2-28
lighting, 2-28
Environmental injuries, 4-56
chemical burns, 4-58
cold exposure injuries, 4-62
electrical burns, 4-58
heat exposure injuries, 4-60
sunburn, 4-58
thermal burns, 4-56
white phosphorus burns, 4-59
Escorts, 16-10
duties of the escort, 16-10
inside CONUS escorts, 16-10
outside CONUS escorts, 16-10
selection of escorts, 16-10
special escorts, 16-10
Family Advocacy Program, 15-4
Federal Supply Catalog system, 13-4
cognizance symbols, 13-5
Federal Supply Catalog, medical material section,
Federal supply classification system, 13-4
local item control numbers, 13-5
national stock numbers, 13-5
Navy item control numbers, 13-5
terminology, 13-4
Female reproductive system, 1-59
external accessory organs, 1-62
female reproductive cycle, 1-63
internal accessory organs, 1-61
ovaries, 1-60
Filing health records, 12-5
First aid equipment and supplies, 3-1
First aid rules, general, 4-1
Fleet marine force (FMF) and fleet hospitals, support
to, 14-6
fleet hospitals, 14-7
FMF dental support, 14-7
FMF medical support, 14-6
Food classification, 9-1
carbohydrates, 9-2
fats, 9-2
minerals, 9-3
Food classificationContinued
proteins, 9-1
vitamins, 9-3
vitamin and mineral supplements, 9-5
water, 9-5
Fundamentals of patient care, 2-1
Fungus test, 7-32
General first aid rules, 4-1
Group interments, 16-15
Guide to good eating, 9-6
dietary guidelines, 9-6
Food Guide Pyramid, 9-6
Hazardous material exposure, 5-22
determining the nature of the hazardous material,
rescue and patient care procedures, 5-24
safety guidelines, 5-22
Health and illness, 2-1
Healthcare administration, 15-1
Health records, 12-1
closing, 12-24
filing, 12-5
opening, 12-6
verifying, 12-24
Health record forms, 12-9
Abstract of Service and Medical History
(NAVMED 6150/4), 12-20
adjunct health record forms and reports, 12-22
Chronological Record of Medical Care, SF 600,
Immunization Record (SF 601), 12-17
International Certificates of Vaccination
(PHS-731), 12-20
Record of Occupational Exposure to Ionizing
Radiation (DD Form 1141), 12-21
Summary of Care, NAVMED 6150/20, 12-11
Hospital Corpsman and the clinical laboratory, 7-1
administrative procedures and responsibilities, 7-1
ethics and good practices in the laboratory, 7- 3
Inpatient care, 2-11
medical patient, 2-11