NAVSUP Manuals, Publications, and Directives, 13-1
Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, 13-2
alternative titles for NAVSUP publications, 13-1
changes to publications, 13-1
P-409, 13-2
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)
Manual, 13-1
Navy Medical and Dental Material Bulletin, 13-2
Operating Procedures Manual, 13-1
Navy medicines Quality Assurance Program, 15-3
Nervous system, 1-36
autonomic nervous system, 1-40
central nervous system, 1-37
impulse transmission, 1-37
nerves, 1-37
neuron, 1-36
peripheral nervous system, 1-39
Notification of death, 16-2
method of reporting casualties, 16-3
personnel casualty report, 16-3
Notification of next of kin, 16-3
condolence letter, 16-4
confirmation of the casualty, 16-4
Opening health records, 12-6
active duty enlisted personnel, 12-7
active duty officers, 12-6
preparing the health record jacket, 12-7
reservists, 12-7
sequence of health record forms, 12-9
Organs, 1-6
Orthopedic injuries, 4-45
management of bone injuries, 4-46
management of joint and muscle injuries, 4-54
splints, 4-45
Pathogenic organism control, 2-29
medical asepsis, 2-29
surgical aseptic technique, 2-30
Patient assessment in the field, 4-3
arrival at the scene, 4-3
before arrival at the scene, 4-3
primary survey, 4-4
secondary survey, 4-4
Patient care, fundamentals of, 2-1
Patient education, 2-9
Patient eligibility for hospitalization and nonfederal
care, 15-1
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
(DEERS), 15-1
Patient Relations and Command Patient Contact
Programs, 15-3
Patient safety, 2-24
environmental safety, 2-24
general safety, 2-27
Patient, the, 2-1
rights, 2-2
responsibilities, 2-2
Payments and Collections, 16-12
headstones and markers, 16-13
memorial service for nonrecoverable remains,
primary expenses, 16-12
secondary (interment) expenses, 16-12
transportation expenses, 16-12
Personal traits, 2-4
integrity, 2-4
leadership, 2-5
personal appearance, 2-5
Pharmacology, 6-1
drug classifications, 6-4
drug incompatibilities, contraindications, and
adverse effects, 6-18
drug standards, 6-1
medication administration, 6-1
Pharmacy, 6-10
alternate methods for solving percentage problems, 6-14
conversion, 6-11
drug incompatibilities, contraindications, and
adverse affects, 6-18
metrology and calculation, 6-10
pharmaceutical instruments, 6-17
pharmaceutical preparations, 6-16
percentage calculations, 6-13
ratio and proportion calculations, 6-14
Physical exam testing procedures and equipment,
audiogram, 11-11
color vision testing, 11-11
electrocardiogram, 11-12
visual acuity, 11-10
Physical examinations, 11-1
Physical examinations, types of, 11-1
medical board examinations and reports, 11-4
routine physical examinations, 11-1
screening examinations, 11-3
special duty physical examinations, 11-3
surveillance examinations, 11-3