Chemical agents penetrate ordinary clothing rapidly.However, significant absorption through the skinrequires a period of minutes. The effects of clothingpenetration may be reduced by quickly removing thecontaminated clothing and neutralizing the chemicalagent on the skin by washing, blotting, or wiping it away.Prompt decontamination (decon) of the skin isimperative. Decon of chemical agents on the skin within1 minute after contamination is perhaps 10 times moreeffective than if decontamination is delayed 5 minutes.Detailed instructions on the use of skin decontaminationkits can be found in the NAVMED P-5041, Treatment ofChemical Agent Casualties and Conventional MilitaryChemical Injuries, and in the kits themselves.Finally, there are two types of antidoteautoinjectors—atropine and 2-PAM Cl—for your own8-3HM3F0801Figure 8-1.—M291 skin decontamination kit.HM3F0802COVERFOLDED WIPE(DRY)STRAPCASEFOLDED WIPE(WET)NYLON PACKET WITHTHREE AMPULESTHREE DECON-2 PAKETSFigure 8-2.—M258A1 skin decontamination kit.
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