correspondence. It also contains instructions for assembling correspondence for signature and mailing.
Changes are prepared by OPNAV and signed by SECNAV. The Correspondence Manual is discussed further in chapter 10 of this rate training manual.
The Telecommunications Users Manual, NTP 3(F), was developed under the direction of the Commander, Naval Telecommunications Command and is designed for use by elements of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to facilitate uniform and concise procedures for the drafting and preparation of naval messages.
The U.S. Navy Plain Language Address Directory, NTP 3 SUPP-1 (H), goes hand in hand with NTP 3(F). It was developed under the direction of the Commander, Naval Telecommunications Command for the purpose of providing Plain Language Address (PLA), Collective Address Designator (CAD), and Address Indicating Grouping (AIG) assignments to Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard activities, and furnishing other services and DOD activities with Plain Language Addresses.
The Chief of Naval Operations prepares the Department of the Navy Standard Subject Identification Codes, SECNAVINST 5210.11, for the signature of the Secretary of the Navy. It is used in classifying subjects and identifying correspondence, directives, blank forms, and reports (assigning report control symbols); setting up filing and retrieval systems; and routing of computer messages. It is also for use with any other documents referred to by subject.
Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) is issued in two volumes over the signatures of the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Transportation, Commerce, and Health and Human Services through the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee, which operates under DOD. Volume 1 deals with travel of members of the uniformed services, volume 2 deals with travel of DOD civilian personnel. JTR interprets the laws concerning travel, the manner of furnishing transportation, provisions for transportation of dependents, transportation of household goods, reimbursement for travel expenses, and similar information.
U.S. Navy Travel Instructions (NTI) is issued jointly by the Commander, NMPC, the Comptroller of the Navy, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. It expands on the rules laid down in volume 1 of JTR as they apply to the Navy and Marine Corps. If instructions in NTI and JTR conflict, JTR takes precedence.
The full title of the Navy Register is Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps and Reserve Officers on Active Duty, NAVPERS 15018. It is published 1 January of each year by NMPC and issued to all ships and stations. In addition to an alphabetical list of all officers, the Register contains a complete lineal list. The purpose of assigning an officer a lineal number is to establish seniority within the grade and corps.
The Manual of Navy Officer Classifications (NOC), NAVPERS 15839, is published by the Commander, NMPC and contains classification structures used in identifying officer billet requirements and officer occupational data.
NMPC uses these classifications to identify billet experience and special qualifications of each naval officer. This information is required for personnel administration. NOCs are also used by the CNO to identify qualitative officer requirements in manpower authorizations.
The Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL) is published by OPNAV to ensure