proper addressing and distribution of mail to all activities of the Department of the Navy and to provide a central distribution system for directives and correspondence. SNDL is published in two parts, each issued separately and designated “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.”
Part 1 is entitled Standard Navy Distribution List, Operating Forces of the Navy, Unified and Specified Commands, U.S. Elements of International! Commands, OPNAV P09B3-107.
Part 2 is contained in the publication Catalog of Naval Shore Activities, O P N AV PO9B3-105.
SNDL is reissued periodically, normally on a quarterly basis, by the Chief of Naval Operations. Changes may be of two types: page changes and serial changes. Serial changes are provided only to commands handling a large volume of mail requiring up-to-date information.
The naval publication of most interest to you is the Manual of the Medical Department, NAVMED P-117, commonly referred to as MANMED. This publication serves as a guide for proper administration of the Medical Department and all of its different functions. You will be responsible for knowing the contents of MANMED, so study it carefully and learn how to use it. Of particular interest to you are the following chapters:
This chapter defines the organization of the Medical Department throughout the Navy and will give you an idea of its complexity and chain of command.
The information in this chapter is of vital interest to you. You should become familiar with the rating structure and strength of the Hospital Corps and the duties, specialties, responsibilities, and distribution of hospital corpsmen.
Naval personnel must take physical examinations for numerous reasons. The Navy is very strict about physical qualifications for certain individuals in specific jobs. In chapter 15 you will find the specifications, requirements, and physical standards that must be complied with to qualify for these jobs. Since you, as a senior hospital corpsman, will be involved with physical examinations at one time or another, you should have a good knowledge of this chapter.
From the first day of a person’s entry into the federal service to the day he or she is discharged, and even beyond, the health record is of significant medicolegal value to the members concerned, their dependents, and the government. Accuracy is of the utmost importance in recording entries in the health record. It is imperative that you be familiar in all respects with the contents of this chapter.
This chapter describes the many phases of pharmacy administration and lists the responsibilities of the different pharmacy personnel. Control of drugs and other substances is discussed at length. It is vital that you understand this chapter.
These chapters are only examples of the information you should know. Needless to say, a solid knowledge of the entire manual will be to your advantage, both in your work and for advancement.
Due to the pace of our times, the regulations governing the Navy are always changing, with new ones replacing, modifying, expanding, or canceling those already in effect. To maintain up-to-date information in the Navy, the Navy Directives Issuance System has been devised. The Department of the Navy Directives Issuance System provides a standard method of issuing directives by all activities in the Navy. As