how to figure service for pay purposes. DODPM shows how to figure pay for periods of authorized and unauthorized absence.
The manual contains helpful tables. These tables simplify technical instructions about pay and aIlowance entitlements and clear up whether or not an entitlement exists. The tables are numbered to correspond to the text they accompany. For example, Table 1-2-3 is the third table in chapter 2 of part 1 of DODPM.
The MPP Manual is issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Navy and contains instructions for using DODPM.
The Navy Pay and Personnel Procedures Manual (PAYPERSMAN), NAVSO P3050, is issued jointly by the Office of the Comptroller of the Navy and the Commander, NMPC. It contains pay and personnel procedures for maintaining the Joint Uniform Military Pay System (JUMPS) and the Manpower, Personnel Training Information System (MAPTIS).
PAYPERSMAN is organized into parts and chapters arranged and numbered in the same order as DODPM. Part 9 contains detailed information for preparing and distributing documents used in the automated pay and personnel systems. You need to refer to PAYPERSMAN often when working with JUMPS or MAPTIS.
Eight appendixes follow part 9, and an alphabetical index follows the appendixes. (Instructions about the MAPTIS system are in chapter 11 of this rate training manual. Instructions about the use, preparation, and distribution of OCR documents are located in the HM 3 & 2 Rate Training Manual.)
The Enlisted Transfer Manual (TRANSMAN), NAVPERS 15909, contains instructions for the distribution and assignment of enlisted personnel and supports basic regulations and instructions found in MILPERSMAN. The purpose of TRANSMAN is to provide a quick reference of instruction and information material concerning service schools, special programs, and enlisted personnel distribution; it is intended to reduce clerical workload and to promote administrative efficiency.
DODISPR, DOD 5200.1R, is the basic security directive on the safeguarding of classified information. Its provisions apply to all DOD activities.
OPNAVINST 5510.1, issued by the Chief of Naval Operations, is to be used in conjunction with DODISPR. This instruction is commonly referred to as the “Security Manual.” Its provisions apply to Department of the Navy military and civilian personnel and activities.
The Security Manual has detailed instructions for classifying, marking, and handling classified information and for access to and authorized disclosure of this information.
The Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual, SECNAVINST 1650.1, is issued by the Secretary of the Navy to give information concerning decorations, medals, and awards. Information on the manner of wearing them is found in Uniform Regulations.
The Manual of Advancement, BUPERSINST 1430.16B, is published by NMPC to provide for the administration of the advancement system. It supports and enlarges on the basic policies for advancement found in MILPERSMAN.
The Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual, SECNAVINST 5216,5C, is prepared in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) and approved by the Secretary of the Navy. It contains instructions for preparing letters, endorsements, and other forms of naval