CCs 31-35, REQUISITIONER—This is the UIC of the ship or activity. If the number is less than five digits, it is preceded by zeros.
CCs 36-39, DATE—Enter the four digits representing the Julian date on which the requisi- tion is actually transmitted to the supply source. The first position represents the last digit of the calendar year. The last three positions indicate the numeric consecutive day of the calendar year. For example, 4299 represents 26 Oct 84. The numeric consecutive day of the calendar year is on all government calendar pads.
CCs 40-43, SERIAL—Enter a four-position serial number. The first position of the serial number may be a numeric through 9 or an alphabetic A through G, or W; however, use only G or W on NORS requisitions. The remain- ing three positions of the serial number is numeric 001 through 999.
Blocks of serial numbers may be assigned to various shipboard departments or to specific com- modities of materiel. However, serial numbers in the 9700-9999 series are used only in requisitions for ship’s store items, including retail clothing.
NOTE: Since the document numbers initially assigned by requisitioners are perpetuated on all subsequent supply and financial documents, under no circumstances may you assign a duplicate serial number on the same day.
CC 44, DEMAND—The demand code is a mandatory entry of a single alphabetic character and is assigned as follows:
Increase in range or depth based on demand or changes in allowance list or load list quantities
Materiel for space or equipment alterations, for example, modernization, retrofit, ordnance alterations (ORDALTs), special projec- tion alterations (SPALTs), and other materiel re- quests clearly identified as one-time requirements.
O NO DEMAND—Requisitions for sub- stitute items that can be supplied more readily than preferred items that have been requisitioned previously and are still desired when avail- able.
In selecting demand codes, remember that inventory managers rely upon demand codes (specifically demand code “R”) to determine which items they will invest procurement funds to ensure their continual availability. Requisitioners must not use the recurring demand code “R” indiscriminately. Use the demand code “N” when the requirement clearly meets any of the criteria listed for nonrecurring demands.
Two separate requisitions (one coded “R” and one coded “N”) may be necessary to satisfy a single requirement. For example, if the on-hand stock of an item is -3, the current requisitioning objective is 6, and an increased requisitioning objective of 12 is authorized as a result of increased demand history, you must code one requisition for the original deficiency of 3 as “R.” Code the other requisition for the increase of 6 in the new requisitioning objective as “N”
CCs 45-50, SUPPLEMENTARY AD- DRESS—When using the supplementary address field as a “Ship to” or “Bill to” address, enter the appropriate service code and UIC in CCs 45-50. When materiel is to be shipped and billed to the requisitioner, use CCs 45-50 for local information, such as a stowage location, a work center code, and a controlled equipage custody record number. When local information is entered in CCs 46-50, make sure CC 45 always contains a "Y".
In requisitions for not carried (NC) materiel other than controlled equipage and selected item management (SIM)-direct turnover (DTO) items, enter “N” in CC 46 and the requester’s work center code in CCs 47-50.
In requisi- tions for not in stock (NIS) materiel and SIM-DTO items, enter “S” in CC 46 to signify that a stock record is maintained and the requester’s work center code in CCs 47-50. In requisitions for controlled equipage items, enter “E” in CC 46 and the appropriate equipage custody card number in CCs 47-50. Enter one of