the following appropriate alpha codes in CC 47 to identify the requesting department:
In requisitions for equipage items other than controlled equipage, enter “E” in CC 46 and the requester’s work center code in CCs 47-50.
CC 51, SIGNAL—This is a single alphabetic code that designates the activity to receive the materiel (ship to) and the activity to be charged for the issue (bill to).
When materiel is to be shipped to the requisitioner (CCs 31-35):
When materiel is to be shipped to the supplementary address (CCs 46-50):
NOTE 1: Requisitioner may use “Y” and local code only with signal codes “A” or “D”
NOTE 2: Do not use “D” or “M” when requisitioning Appropriation Purchases Account materiel, since such materiel is charged for statistical purposes even though operating funds are not affected. If there are accounting instructions that cannot be covered by the signal and fund codes, write them in the REMARKS field (data blocks L through V). In this instance, use document identifier A05 or A0E
CCs 52-53, FUND CODE—Enter the applicable two-character fund code (see NAVSO P-301 3, app. 2) on all requisitions except for free issues that are identified by a signal code “D” or “M” entered in CC 51, Leave the fund code field blank on a free issue requisition.
CCs 54-56, DISTRIBUTION—The distribution field of a requisition is a dual-purpose field with two different uses for the Navy Supply System. The first position indicates a monitoring activity; the other two indicate the cognizance symbol.
Monitoring Activity—When an entry is made in CC 54 of the distribution field, it will represent a specific monitoring activity (see NAVSUP P-485, app.3) that is to receive 100 percent supply and shipment status, Such status is in addition to that provided the requisitioner or supplementary addressee by the M&S code assigned in CC 7. For example, if the USS John Paul Jones (DDG-32), while deployed in the Pacific, initiates an issue group one requisition, enter “D” in CC 54 to designate Special Programs Section, NSC Oakland, as the monitoring activity that is shown below.
Cognizance Symbol—The cognizance symbol entry is the two-character numeric and alpha code prefixed to NSNS as listed in NMDL, allowance list, or other source if assigned. The first character of the symbol indicates the stores account and is entered in CC 55 of the distribution field. Odd