special material identification code (SMIC) in CCs 21-22. See figure 12-4.
When requisitioning items that can be identified only by a part number or by a local item control number, use DD 1348-6 which is discussed later in this chapter.
CCs 23-24, UNIT OF ISSUE—Enter the two-letter unit of issue abbreviation for the item being requisitioned. For example, if the unit of issue for the item requisitioned is box, enter BX in CCs 23-24 as shown here.
CCs 25-29, QUANTITY—Enter the quantity of the item required. If the quantity exceeds 99,999, submit additional requisitions for the remainder of the order. When the item requisitioned is required in a minimum length, size, or other requirement that cannot be covered by an advice code, enter the specific requirement (for example, minimum length acceptable 10 ft) in the REMARKS block and identify the requisition as containing exception data by entering A05 or A0E in CCs 1-3. Also, when the total requirement of an item involves two or more urgencies of need (for example, immediate use and routine stock replenishment), prepare separate requisitions for the partial quantities of the total requirement. When the requested quantity does not require five significant digits, enter zeros in the blank spaces preceding the significant digits as shown below.
Requisitions that will result in multiple receipts of materiel or services, such as continuing and annual requirements for gasoline, telephone service, or laundry, must indicate “C9999” in CCs 25-29.
CCs 30-43, DOCUMENT NUMBER—The document number includes the SDC, the requisitioner’s UIC, the Julian date of the requisition, and the serial number of the requisition as explained below:
CCs 30, SDC—This one-letter code identifies the service or component of the service. Navy codes are as follows: