Enter the new location immediately in block 10. When the receipted copy indicates that an item is stored in multiple locations, enter them in the stock record as shown in figure 12-27.
After receipts have been posted to the stock records, forward the receipt documents to the OPTAR records custodian who enters the materiel receipt date in the Requisition/OPTAR Log as directed in the Financial Management of Resources, NAVSO P-3013. Pass the receipt document to the requisitioner for attachment to the hardback copy of the related requisition from MOF. Place both the receipt document and the hardback copy of the requisition in the MCF.
POSTING OF SIM—DTO MATERIEL— When SIM-DTO materiel is received and turned over to custodial departments, post the receipt documents and related issue request simultaneously to the stock records maintained for SIM-DTO materiel. See the next illustration. The using and custodial departments initiate replenishment requisitions.