PROCESSING COMPLETED DTO MATERIAL RECEIPT AND ISSUE DOCUMENTS—After the issue date and signature of the recipient of DTO materiel have been entered in a receipt document, the following actions are required:
Remove the related issue request and requisition documents from the NIS/NC file or MOF. In the original and green copy of the NAVSUP 1250 or the green copy of the NAVSUP 1250-1, enter the materiel issue date in data block 7. If required, change the quantity in data block 25 to that actually received.
Determine whether a stock record is maintained for the item, post the receipt, and issue simultaneously.
Put the original of the NAVSUP 1250 in the consumption file, and place the green copy of the NAVSUP 1250 or 1250-1 in the Maintenance Data Collection System (MDCS)/ ACCESS file.
Post the materiel issue date indicated in the receipt document to the Requisition/OPTAR log as directed by NAVSUP P-3013.
Attach the hardback copy of the related requisition from the MOF to the receipt document.
If the item received is controlled equipage, post the receipt to the Controlled Equipage Custody Record, NAVSUP 306. If the item is “Signature Required, ” obtain the department head’s signature for the increased on-hand balance.
File the receipt document and the hardback copy of the related requisition in MCF.
The custodial responsibility of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and dangerous drugs is vested in the commanding officer. An officer of the Medical Department, or in such an officer’s absence, an officer designated by the commanding officer, will keep all unissued controlled substances in a separate locked compartment. Controlled substances include tranquilizers, alcoholic beverages, alcohol, hypnotics, excitants, and narcotics that require special custodial care. Medicinals are designated controlled substances by the symbol “Q” or “R” in the notes column of the Federal Supply Catalog or by the force medical officer.
The commanding officer will appoint an officer of the Medical Department or another officer that he or she designates in writing as the bulk custodian. This officer will be responsible for, and maintain custody of, all bulk controlled substances.
Access to controlled substances is limited to the bulk custodian and the senior Medical Department representative (SMDR). Only individuals whose official duties require access to such spaces will be provided the safe combinations.
The bulk custodian and the SMDR are responsible for the receipt and custody of controlled substances. Each unit must maintain a detailed record of the receipt, transfer, survey, dispensing, and expenditure of controlled substances by entering information in a loose-leaf binder. The sick call treatment log and health and dental records are examined against this record by the Controlled Substances Inventory Board. Facsimile signatures or initials on controlled substances records are prohibited. The SMDR is the custodian of the working stock and holds the combination to the working stock safe. Report losses to the nearest Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regional office as specified in MANMED, chapter 21, article 21-25. Dispose of deteriorated items as described in MANMED, chapter 21, article 21-26. Enter appropriate entries for losses or disposals in the Bulk Custodian’s Log, or Working Stock Log (NAVMED 6710/5).
Monthly or more frequently, if necessary, the Controlled Substances Inventory Board will take an inventory of controlled substances. The commanding officer will appoint the members of the board in writing. The board will consist of three members, at least two of whom will be commissioned officers. After the board conducts the monthly inventory, it will submit a report to