the commanding officer, The officer having custodial responsibility cannot be a member of the board. On small ships and installations, the SMDR may be a board member.
Destroy controlled substances in the presence of at least one member of the survey board. Remove the amount destroyed from the stock records and the controlled substances log. Destroy items in a manner that ensures total destruction and prevents subsequent use. Destruction must be done in a manner that meets federal, state, and local air and water pollution control standards.
A survey is the procedure required when Navy property and Defense Logistics Agency material in Navy custody is lost, damaged, or destroyed except in incoming shipments. Its purpose is to determine responsibility for lost, damaged or destroyed property and to fix the actual loss to the government. To make a true determination, the facts surrounding the loss or damage must be thoroughly surveyed in a timely manner. The following forms will be used in connection with survey procedures.
GPLD (Government Property Lost or Damaged) Survey Certificate, DD 2090. This will be used if no personal responsibility is evident. This form will normally be prepared by the person who conducted causative research.
Report of Survey, DD 200. This will be used if personal responsibility is evident, if the reviewing authority does not approve the DD Form 2090, or if the commanding officer or higher authority so directs. This form will be initiated by the accountable responsible person.
There is no longer an “Informal Survey or a Formal Survey.” When circumstances warrant, such as when there is an indication of criminal action or gross negligence, the commanding officer or designee will appoint a Survey Officer or a Survey Board. Individuals who are accountable or responsible will not be appointed as surveying officers. A survey board may consist of two or more persons. Commissioned or warrant officers are normally appointed to survey boards. It is recognized that, because of the nature of activities or types of personnel by which manned, there may not be enough officers available to appoint to the board. If such conditions exist, qualified enlisted personnel in grades E-8 or E-9 or qualified civilian personnel GS-11 or above maybe appointed to the board. In no event will the commanding officer or designee delegate authority to review surveys to the following individuals:
For more detailed information about surveys, consult the following references: NAVSUP Manual, volumes II and IV; NAVSUP P-485, Afloat Supply Procedures; NAVSUP P-486, Food Service Management; and NAVSUP P-487, Ship’s Store Afloat.
Plant property is divided into four classes for the purpose of management, financial and technical control, and related expenditures.
The accountability and reporting of plant property applies to all active, inactive,