periosteum is the pain center of the bone. When a bonefractures, the pain that is felt comes from theperiosteum, not the bone proper. Periosteum also formsnew bone. The diaphysis is the elongated, cylindricalportion (or “shaft”) of the bone that is between theepiphyses (sing. epiphysis) or ends of the bone.BONE CLASSIFICATIONSBones are classified according to their shape. Thefour bone classifications and examples of each are asfollows:Long bones—femur and humerusShort bones—wrist and ankle bonesFlat bones—skull, sternum, and scapulaIrregular bones—vertebrae, mandible, andpelvic bonesDIVISIONS OF SKELETONThe human skeleton is divided into two maindivisions, the axial skeleton and the appendicularskeleton.Axial SkeletonThe axial skeleton consists of the skull, thevertebral column, and the thorax.1-7HM3F0113CRANIUMFACESKULLCLAVICLESCAPULASTERNUMRIBSHUMERUSULNACOXAL BONERADIUSCARPALSFEMURPATELLATIBIAFIBULATARSALSMETATARSALSPHALANGESHYOIDVERTEBRALCOLUMNMETACARPALVERTEBRALCOLUMNSACRUMCOCCYXPHALANGESFigure 1-13.—Human skeleton.
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