USUAL DOSE.— 50 mg three times daily taken at least 1 hour before meals with a full glass of liquid.
ACTION AND USE.— This drug is indicated for the treatment of various arrhythmias.
USUAL DOSE.— Oral administration is preferred to the parenteral route. Dosage is individualized to meet the patient’s needs and responses. It is available as tablets, capsules, sustained-release tables, and injections.
The opposite of vasodilators, these drugs produce constriction of the blood vessels with consequent rise in blood pressure.
ACTION AND USE.— Most prominent actions are on the heart, producing a rapid rise in blood pressure, increased strength of ventricular contraction, increase in the heart rate, and constriction of the arterioles in the skin and mucosa. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, and produces an increase in blood sugar and glycogenolysis in the liver. It is the drug of choice in anaphylaxis.
USUAL DOSE.— T0 treat cardiac arrest, administer intravenously as an adjunct to external cardiac compression at 0.5 to 1 mg every 5 minutes. For anaphylaxis, give 0.3 to 0.6 mg subcutaneously; intramuscular injection should be avoided since the action of epinephrine may cause necrosis of the muscular tissue. Sus-Phrine is a suspension for subcutaneous use only; it is for the temporary relief from bronchial asthma attacks.
ACTION AND USE.— This is an ophthalmic preparation for the symptomatic relief of irritated eyes.
USUAL DOSE.— 2 to 3 drops every 3 to 4 hours.
ACTION AND USE.— Phenylephrine hydrochloride is used to shrink mucous membranes of the nose and to relieve local congestion.
USUAL DOSE.— A 0.25 percent solution, instill 1 to 3 drops into each nostril four times daily as needed.
ACTION AND USE.— A topical vasoconstrictor, it is used to relieve nasal congestion.
USUAL DOSE.— A 0.05 percent solution, spray the affected nostril twice daily. DO NOT USE FOR LONGER THAN 3 DAYS.
These are drugs that control external bleeding by forming a clot.
ACTION AND USE.— This is a sterile, waterinsoluble, gelatin base sponge. It is used as a hemostatic agent when saturated with a sterile normal saline solution or a thrombin solution. It may be left in the body since it is slowly absorbed.
These drugs delay or prevent blood coagulation. Use of these agents requires laboratory facilities to determine prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time values to determine dosages.
ACTION AND USE.— Heparin sodium inhibits the clotting of blood and the formation of fibrin clots. It is used in anticoagulant therapy in prophylaxis of venous thrombosis and as a treatment to prevent its extension, as well as in the prophylaxis and treatment of pulmonary embolism.
USUAL DOSE.— As prescribed by a physician.
ACTION AND USE.— This drug interferes with prothrombin formation in the liver. It is used 7-24