handling, transporting, and treating of waste; and,finally, disposal of the waste. The treatment anddisposal methods shown in table 2–2 are the minimallyacceptable standards.SUMMARYThis chapter has introduced you to many basicpatient-care procedures and philosophies, such aspatient rights and responsibilities, professionalconduct, reporting and assessment procedures, patiente d u c a t i o n , a n d p a t i e n t s a f e t y p r e c a u t i o n s .Additionally, you have learned about inpatient careand the various types of patients you will encounter asa Hospital Corpsman. Finally, you have beenintroduced to standard rules of hygiene, aseptictechniques, and the management of medical waste.Having a good grasp of these areas of patient care willgive you a good base from which you can grow as aHospital Corpsman.2-39
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