NOTE: Although the following references were current when this NRTC was
published, their continued currency cannot be assured. Therefore, you need to be
sure that you are studying the latest revision.
1995 Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, 1995.
2000 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), RSPA P5800.8, Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC, 2000.
Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485, Commander, Naval Supply Systems
Command, Mechanicsburg, PA, October 1997.
Ambulance Support, BUMEDINST 6700.42, Chief, Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery, Washington, DC, February 1995.
AMPCOR Syphilis RPR, AMPCOR, Bridgeport, NJ. [Product brochure.]
Bacto Gram Stain Set, DIFCO Laboratories, Detroit, MI, 1994. [Product brochure.]
Balows, Albert, ed. in chief, and William J. Hausler, Jr., Kenneth L. Hermann,
Henry D. Isenberg, and H. Jean Shadomy, eds., Manual of Clinical
Microbiology, 5th ed., American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC,
Bates, Barbara J., et al, A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 6th ed.,
J.B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1995.
Brown, Barbara A., Hematology: Principles and Procedures, 6th ed., Lea &
Febiger, Philadelphia, PA, 1993.
Browner, Bruce D., Lenworth M. Jacobs, and Andrew N. Pollack, Emergency Care
and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 7th ed., Jones & Bartlett Publishers,
Sudbury, MA, 1998.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) Navy Occupational and Health
(NAVOSH) Program, BUMEDINST 5100.13A, Chief, Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery, Washington, DC, December 1996.
Chandra, Nisha C., and Mary F. Hazinski, eds., Basic Life Support for Healthcare
Providers, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, 1994.
Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS)
Regulation, NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.18, Commander, Naval Medical
Command, Washington, DC, October 1988.
Competence for Duty Examinations, Evaluations of Sobriety, and Other Bodily
Views and Intrusions Performed by Military Personnel, BUMEDINST
6120.20B, Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC, 1982.
Damage Controlman 3&2, NAVEDTRA 10572, Naval Education and Training
Professional Development and Technology Center, Pensacola, FL, May 1986.
Decedent Affairs Manual, NAVMEDCOMINST 5360.1, Commander, Naval
Medical Command, Washington, DC, September 1987.
Dental Infection Control Program, BUMEDINST 6600.10A, Chief, Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC, August 1992.