Support personnel, who provide surgical andmedical aid to those who need early definitivecare and cannot be further evacuated.Medical personnel are an integral part of thecombat unit to which they are assigned; they train withtheir units and live with and accompany them at alltimes.All of the units comprising an FMF have MedicalDepartment personnel organic to them. However, themajority of medical support comes from the medicalbattalion of Force Service Support Group (FSSG). TheFSSG is a composite grouping of functional units.These functional units provide combat service supportbeyond the organic capability of all elements of FMF.The medical battalion provides combat medicalsupport required for independently deployed battalionlanding teams, regimental landing teams, Marineexpeditionary units, or Marine expeditionary brigades.The primary mission of the medical battalion is toprovidecasualty collection,emergency treatment,temporary hospitalization,specialized surgery, andevacuation.In addition, medical battalions must plan,supervise, and coordinate timely preventive measuresfor controlling disease.The basic organization of a typical medicalbattalion is shown in figure 14-1. A further breakdownof the organization can be found in chapter 3 of theMarine Corps Warfighting Publication (MCWP)4-11.1.FMF DENTAL SUPPORTThe mission of FMF dental units is to furnishdental services to a Marine Expeditionary Force. Byattaching dental sections and detachments of the taskforce, battalion personnel maintain dental readinessduring exercises, deployments, operations other thanwar, and combat operations.In an emergency environment, the dentalbattalions primary mission is to provide dental healthmaintenance, with a focus on emergency care.Personnel from these detachments may also providepostoperative, ward, central sterilization, and supplyroom support, and other medical support asdetermined to be appropriate by the medical battalionand surgical company commanders.FLEET HOSPITALSInitially conceived and developed as facilities toprovide medical support during intense combatoperations, fleet hospitals are also used in lengthylow-intensity scenarios. Fleet hospitals aretransportable, medically and surgically intensive(capable of performing advanced medical and surgicalprocedures), and deployable in a variety of operationalscenarios. Available in sizes ranging from 100 to 500beds, these health-care assets can be used by a varietyof field commanders. Fleet hospitals are designed tobe used in long-term operations (60+ days) involving a14-7HM3F1401MEDICAL BATTALION260 BEDS9 OPERATING ROOMSHEADQUARTERS &SERVICE COMPANYSURGICAL COMPANY60 BEDS / 3 OR'sSURGICAL COMPANY60 BEDS / 3 OR'sSURGICAL COMPANY60 BEDS / 3 OR'sSHOCK TRAUMA PLATOON8 STP's / 10 BEDS EACHHEADQUARTERSPLATOONHEADQUARTERSPLATOONHEADQUARTERSPLATOONTRIAGE / EVACUATIONPLATOONTRIAGE / EVACUATIONPLATOONTRIAGE / EVACUATIONPLATOONSURGICALPLATOONSURGICALPLATOONSURGICALPLATOONFigure 14-1.—Organization of a medical battalion.
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