may be made by folding a large handkerchiefdiagonally. The longest side of the triangular bandageis called the base; the corner directly opposite themiddle of the base is called the point; and the other twocorners are called ends (fig. 3–11).The triangular bandage is useful because it can befolded in a variety of ways to fit almost any part of thebody. Padding may be added to areas that may becomeuncomfortable.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR HEAD.—This bandage is used to retain compresses on theforehead or scalp. Fold back the base about 2 inches tomake a hem. Place the middle of the base on theforehead, just above the eyebrows, with the hem on theoutside. Let the point fall over the head and down overthe back of the head. Bring the ends of the trianglearound the back of the head above the ears, cross themover the point, carry them around the forehead, and tiein a SQUARE KNOT. Hold the compress firmly withone hand, and, with the other, gently pull down thepoint until the compress is snug; then bring the point upand tuck it over and in the bandage where it crosses theback part of the head. Figure 3–12 shows the properapplication of a triangular bandage for the head.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR SHOULDER.—Cut or tear the point, perpendicular to the base, about10 inches. Tie the two points loosely around thepatient’s neck, allowing the base to drape down overthe compress on the injured side. Fold the base to thedesired width, grasp the end, and fold or roll the sidestoward the shoulder to store the excess bandage. Wrapthe ends snugly around the upper arm, and tie on theoutside surface of the arm. Figure 3–13 shows theproper application of a triangular bandage for theshoulder.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR CHEST.—Cut or tear the point, perpendicular to the base, about10 inches. Tie the two points loosely around thepatient’s neck, allowing the bandage to drape downover the chest. Fold the bandage to the desired width,carry the ends around to the back, and secure by tying.Figure 3–14 shows the proper application of atriangular bandage for the chest.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR HIP ORBUTTOCK.—Cut or tear the point, perpendicular tothe base, about 10 inches. Tie the two points around thethigh on the injured side. Lift the base up to thewaistline, fold to the desired width, grasp the ends, foldor roll the sides to store the excess bandage, carry theends around the waist, and tie on the opposite side ofthe body. Figure 3–15 shows the proper application ofa triangular bandage for the hip or buttock.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR SIDE OFCHEST.—Cut or tear the point, perpendicular to thebase, about 10 inches. Place the bandage, points up,under the arm on the injured side. Tie the two points ontop of the shoulder. Fold the base to the desired width,carry the ends around the chest, and tie on the oppositeside. Figure 3–16 shows the proper application of atriangular bandage for the side of the chest.TRIANGULAR BANDAGE FOR FOOT ORHAND.—This bandage is used to retain largecompresses and dressings on the foot or the hand. Forthe foot: After the compresses are applied, place thefoot in the center of a triangular bandage and carry thepoint over the ends of the toes and over the upper sideof the foot to the ankle. Fold in excess bandage at theside of the foot, cross the ends, and tie in a square knot3-7Figure 3–11.—Triangular bandage.Figure 3–12.—Triangular bandage for the head.
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