Figure 2-6. - Sample front cover of a Dental Record Jacket (NAVMED 6150/21-30).
sponsor's SSN. Enter the first seven digits and the ninth digit of the sponsor’s SSN on the top right portion of the jacket. Using a l-inch long, 1/2-inch wide strip of black tape, tape over the number that corresponds to the last digit of the SSN in each of the two number scales. The tape must completely blacken out the number and extend around the edge of the jacket to the back.
For patients who do not have an SSN (e.g., foreign personnel and their family members), create a "substitute" SSN by coding the first three digits with 800 and the last six digits as the month, day, and year of the patient's birth (i.e., MM-DD-YY). As an example for a patient who was born on July 10, 1945, assign SSN 800-07-1045. For patients with the same birth date, assign the first three digits sequentially starting with 801, followed by the birth date. Select a prenumbered NAVMED 6150/21-30 jacket, matching the second to the last number of the patient's "substitute" SSN, and complete the jacket from the instructions in this section.
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