Patients' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
1. Medical Care and Dental Care. The right to quality care and treatment consistent with available resources and generally accepted standards. The patient has the right also to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and Government regulations, and to be informed of the consequences of his or her refusal. When concerned about the care received, the patient has a right to request review of the adequacy of care.
2. Respectful Treatment. The right to considerate and respectful care, with recognition of his of her personal dignity.
3. Privacy and Confidentiality. The right, within law and military regulations, to privacy and con- fidentiality concerning medical care.
4. Identity. The right to know, at all times, the identity, professional status, and professional credentials of health care personnel, as well as the name of the health care provider primarily responsible for his or her care.
5. Explanation of Care. The right to an explanation concerning his or her diagnosis, treatment, procedures, and prognosis of illness in terms the patient can be expected to understand. When it is not medically advisable to give such information to the patient, the information should be provided to appropriate family members or, in their ab- sence, another appropriate person.
6. Informed Consent. The right to be advised in non-clinical terms of information needed to make knowledgeable decisions on consent or refusal for treatments. Such information should include sig- nificant complications, risks, benefits, and alter- native treatments available,
7. Research Projects. The right to be advised if the facility proposes to engage in or perform research associated with his or her care or treatment. The patient has the right to refuse to participate in any research projects.
8. Safe Environment. The right to care and treatment in a safe environment.
9. Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) or Dental Treatment Facility (DTF) Rules and Regulations. The right to be informed of the facilities' rules and regulations that relate to patient or visitor conduct. The patient should be informed about smoking rules and should expect com- pliance with those rules from other individuals, Patients are entitled to information about the MTF or DTF mechanism for the initiation, review, and resolution of patient complaints.
1. Providing Information. The responsibility to provide, to the best of his or her knowledge, accurate and complete information about com- plaints, past illness, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to his or her health. A patient has the responsibility to let his or her primary health care provider know whether he or she understands the treatment and what is expected of him or her.
2. Respect and Consideration. The responsibility for being considerate of the rights of other patients and MTF or DTF health care personnel and for assisting in the control of noise, smoking, and the number of visitors. The patient is responsible for being respectful of the property of other persons and of the facility.
3. Compliance with Medical Care. The responsibility for complying with the medical and nursing treatment plan, including followup care, recommended by health care providers. This in- cludes keeping appointments on time and notifying the MTF or DTF when appointments cannot be kept.
4. Medical Records. The responsibility for ensuring that medical records are promptly returned to the medical facility for appropriate filing and maintenance when records are transported by the patients for the purpose of medical appointment or consultation, etc. All medical records documenting care provided by any MTF or DTF are the property of the U.S. Government. 5.
5. MTF and DTF Rules and Regulations. The responsibility for following the MTF or DTF rules and regulations affecting patient care conduct. Regulations regarding smoking should be fol- lowed by all patients.
6. Reporting of Patient Complaints. The responsibility for helping the MTF or DTF commander provide the best possible care to all beneficiaries. Patients'; recommendations, questions, or complaints should be reported to the patient contact representative.
Figure 2-5. - Patients' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.
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