The Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command is responsible for supplying to each naval activity an adequate number of enlisted personnel capable of performing all necessary tasks in order for that activity to carry out its mission.
Since a certain portion of the enlisted population of the Navy is transient, keeping all available personnel properly distributed among all naval activities is a complicated task. TRANSMAN describes the system established by NMPC to put the right man in the right job at the right time.
Activities should establish routine procedures for all enlisted transfers. TRANSMAN gives step-by-step instructions for the transfer of enlisted personnel. The following is an example of the procedures to be followed:
When transferring enlisted personnel for hospitalization, activities shall prepare Standard Transfer Orders in accordance with instructions in TRANSMAN.
The Personnel/Records Office should prepare a check-in sheet for receipt of personnel. This list is used to ensure completion of procedures and items such as:
Officer orders to show date, time, place of arrival, and availability of quarters
Enlisted orders to show date, time, and place of arrival (endorsement on Standard Transfer Order is self-explanatory)
Forwarding of pay records to disbursing officer
Prepare NAVCOMP 3060 if assigned Government quarters.
Check Record of Emergency Data (NAVPERS 1070/602) and prepare new form if necessary.
Check Officer Biography Sheet (NAVPERS 5720/1) and prepare a new form if necessary.