3. SPCC Mechanicsburg, after researching their master records and determining that the requested item is in stock at NSC Oakland, refers the requisition to NSC Oakland.
4. NSC Oakland, issues the materiel to USS JOHN PAUL JONES.
5. NSC Oakland, makes an issue transaction report to SPCC Mechanicsburg.
6. SPCC Mechanicsburg, after applying the issue reports to its master record, ascertains that NSC Oakland’s stock of the item is below the required level and issues a contract to the XYZ Corporation to replenish NSC Oakland.
7. The XYZ Corporation ships the materiel to NSC Oakland.
8. NSC Oakland makes a receipt transaction report to SPCC Mechanicsburg.
The materiel required to support your ship is normally procured through the supply systems of the Navy or DOD. However, in emergencies, procurement may be by transfer from another ship or by purchase on the open market. Operation orders and instructions issued by fleet commands, type commands, and service force commands specify the sources of supply for ships.
When your ship is within the United States, submit supply requisitions directly to the nearest supply support activity or NSC.
They either furnish the materiel or pass the requisition to the appropriate activity for action. The supply department of a naval shipyard or other ashore activity may issue maintenance items to ships while at that activity. However, submit requisitions for major stock replenishment to the established supply support activity. SERVMARTS are convenient sources of materiel that permit the use of a single money value only (MVO) requisition to procure several stock items.
SERVMARTS are located at most major naval bases and are designed like modern supermarkets.
When obtaining materiel from a SERVMART, prepare a DD 1348 as an MVO requisition based on DTO requests or storeroom stock deficiencies. Each of the following categories of materiel is listed on a separate DD 1348 when SERVMART shopping lists (SSLs) are used:
If yellow copies of NAVSUP 1250 or 1250-1 are used, only one DD 1348 is required for stock and DTO consumables and for stock and DTO repair parts. To aid you in preparing requisitions, each SERVMART prepares shopping guides that list items stocked and distributes these guides to ships and activities in the area.
Upon receipt of internal requests, prepare a DD 1348 to cover the money value, and give the original to the person authorized on the form to pick up the materiel. An example of an MVO requisition using DD 1348 is shown in figure 12-15.
Ships in overseas waters receive supply support through submission of requisitions to MLSF units or overseas bases as specified in operation orders and instructions issued by fleet commands. Supply support from these ships is normally received by underway replenishment. Procedures for obtaining support from fleet issue ships are set forth in CINCLANTFLT, CINCPACFLT, and COMSIXTHFLT Requisitioning Guides. Local commands and operating conditions determine whether the underway replenishment (UNREP) is to be by ship alongside, vertical replenishment (VERTREP) helicopter, or both at the same time.
When normal supply sources are not available and general stores stock is exhausted, transfer items from the ship’s store or subsistence stock for the ship’s use. For example, transfer cornstarch from the subsistence stock to use in cleaning the boilers or flashlights from the ship’s store for general use.
Such transfers are made on DD 1149 and are charged to the ship’s OPTAR. Show the complete