UNIT OF ISSUE—When the unit of issue in the receipt document is different from that in the stock record, change the unit of issue in the stock record accordingly. In addition, you may be required to adjust the allowance quantity, HL/LL/SL quantities (if a SIM item), and the on-hand balance in the stock record. If adjustment of the on-hand balance is required, enter the Julian date of the adjustment, the notation “U/I CHANGE,” and the adjusted on-hand quantity before posting the receipt as illustrated in figure 12-24.
UNIT PRICE—When the unit price in the receipt document differs, draw a single line through the old unit price, and enter the new unit price directly above (fig 12-24).
QUANTITY—When the total quantity requisitioned is not received and a suffix code is indicated in column 44 of the receipt document, post the quantity received to the stock record. Line out the requisitioned quantity in the REQUISITIONS OUTSTANDING column, and enter the quantity remaining outstanding next to the deleted quantity as illustrated in figure 12-25.