The responsibility of accounting for assets within the Department of the Navy (DN) comes down from the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) to the commanding officers of field activities throughout the Navy through appropriate channels. Commanding officers must ensure proper fiscal administration by directives, principles, and policies prescribed by the Comptroller of the Navy. All orders and instruc- tions issued by the Comptroller carry the same force and effect as if issued by SECNAV.
The Naval Supply Systems Command (NAV- SUPSYSCOM) is responsible for administering supply management policies, including cataloging, standardization, procurement, inventory control, storage, issue, and disposal of naval materiel. You, as a medical supply person, must be familiar with the methods of procuring and accounting for naval materiel. You should also be familiar with the rules and regulations that govern account- ability of funds under an appropriation and have a good working knowledge of the directives and manuals used in the Navy Supply System.
To function well in the Navy Supply System, you must be familiar with some of the NAVSUP publications that deal with different facets of supply. Some of these publications that are of particular interest to you are discussed below. NAVSUP publications are referred to in four different ways. For example, the NAVSUP Operating Procedures Manual for the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure and the Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedure (MILSTRIP/ MILSTRAP) may be referred to in various publications and directives as one of the following:
NAVSUP Publication 437
NAVSUP Pub 437
However, when referencing this publication (or other NAVSUP publications) in cor- respondence, cite it as “NAVSUP P-437, par. .”
Storage and Materials Handling (NAVSUP P-284)—This manual establishes efficient standards at major supply installations within each military service as well as among the military services. It consolidates technical and detailed information available to the military services on materiels handling operations involved in the receipt, storage, issue, and care of supplies except for preserving, packaging, and packing. NAVSUP P-284-1 expands on some of the above subjects and prescribes specific policy not affect- ing the other services. This manual and the supple- ment are designed for the three-ringed binder.
MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Desk Guide (NAV- SUP P-409)—Since NAVSUP P-437 is a com- prehensive publication that fills three 2-inch binders, NAVSUP P-409 was published to serve as a handy reference for personnel responsible for originating and processing MILSTRIP/ MILSTRAP documents. This small booklet contains common definitions, coding structures, and abbreviated code definitions used on a day-to-day basis. Blank space is provided for entering commonly used routing identifier, fund, project, and locally assigned codes.
Fleet Use of MILSTRIP (NAVSUPINST 4235 .3)—This publication serves the same purpose of NAVSUP P-409 for fleet personnel. In addition, it is designed to indoctrinate and train fleet personnel in the MILSTRIP system. It is larger than the desk guide and contains illustra- tions and explanations, making it a valuable training aid and a handy reference.