Operating Procedures Manual for MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP (NAVSUP P-437)—This publication issues policy on the MILSTRIP/ MILSTRAP system. This publication takes precedence over conflicting provisions contained in other supply system manuals or directives. It consists of 11 chapters and severaI appendixes and exhibits. It covers system management, requisitioning ashore, inventory control, financial matters, materiel movement priorities, and evaluation procedures. The publication provides forms, formats, and codes, and it serves as a comprehensive ready reference for those involved in preparing or processing MILSTRIP documents. The chapters are listed below.
Chapter | Title |
1 | Introduction |
2 | Supply System Management |
3 | Requisitioning Ashore |
4 | Inventory Control at Stock Points |
5 | MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Financial Inventory Accounting |
6 | Material Movement |
7 | Uniform Material Movement and Issue Priority System |
8 | Expendable Ordnance |
9 | Internal Logistics Program (ILP) |
10 | Performance Reporting |
11 | DAAS Procedures (Defense Automatic Addressing System) |
NAVSUP P-437 is not distributed afloat. All afloat MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP operations are incorporated into NAVSUP P-485.
Paragraph numbering in this publication is similar to that of the NAVSUP Manual.
Paragraph 06120-3a is broken down as follows:
Afloat Supply Procedures (NAVSUP P-485)—This publication establishes policies for operating and managing afloat supply departments and activities. It will help supply personnel to understand and perform their individual tasks.
Although this publication is designed primarily for nonautomated supply procedures, much of the information it contains also applies to automated systems.
The procedures contained in this publication are the minimum essential to acceptable supply management and are mandatory unless specifi- cally stated as being optional. It encompasses the procedures outlined in the NAVSUP Manual, volumes I, II, and V, and NAVSUP P-437 as they apply to afloat situations. It is divided into six chapters as follows:
Chapter | Title |
1 | Organization and Administration |
2 | Materiel Identification |
3 | Materiel Procurement |
4 | Materiel Receipt, Custody, and Stowage |
5 | Materiel Expenditure and Shipment |
6 | Inventory Management |
In addition to these six chapters, NAVSUP P-485 contains several appendixes that contain such information as advice codes, document identifier codes, fund codes, and units of issue.
Regardless of how well you have learned to use the various supply publications, if they aren’t up to date you are wasting your time. Enter changes promptly when they are received to ensure that the latest information is being used. There are different types of changes and the methods of entering them are different. Always read the accompanying instructions before making the change.
PEN-AND-INK CHANGES—These are usually distributed as a letter or notice and require you to type or enter pen-and-ink word or sentence changes.
PAGE CHANGES—Extensive changes are made by this method. This involves removing an old page and inserting a new one. Most of these changes will include a list of “Effective Pages” or “Sheets in Force” that should be checked