CHAPTER 1ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYKnowledge of how the human body is constructedand how it works is an important part of the training ofeveryone concerned with healing the sick or managingconditions following injury. This chapter will provideyou with a general knowledge of the structures andfunctions of the body.The human body is a combination of organsystems, with a supporting framework of muscles andbones and an external covering of skin. The study ofthe body is divided into three sciences:Anatomy—the study of body structures and therelation of one part to another.Physiology—the study of the processes andfunctions of the body tissue and organs. Physiology isthe study of how the body works and how the variousparts function individually and in relation to each other.Embryology—the study of the development ofthe body from a fertilized egg, or ovum.TERMS OF POSITION ANDDIRECTIONLEARNING OBJECTIVE:Identifyanatomical terms of position and direction.The planes of the body are imaginary linesdividing it into sections. These planes are used asreference points in locating anatomical structures. Asshown in figure 1-1, the median, or midsagittal, planedivides the body into right and left halves on its verticalaxis. This plane passes through the sagittal suture ofthe cranium; therefore, any plane parallel to it is calleda sagittal plane . Frontal planes are drawnperpendicular to the sagittal lines and divide the bodyinto anterior (front) and posterior (rear) sections. Sincethis line passes through the coronal suture of thecranium, frontal planes are also called coronal planes.The horizontal, or transverse, plane, which is drawnat right angles to both sagittal and frontal planes,divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior(lower) sections.To aid in understanding the location of anatomicalstructures, you should use a standard body positioncalled the anatomical position as a point of reference.This anatomical position is assumed when the body1-1HM3F0101SAGITTAL PLANEFigure 1-1.—Planes of the body.
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