TEMPORARY DUTY (TEMDU) ORDERS involve detachment from one station and assignment to another station or stations for temporary duty pending further assignment to a new permanent duty station or for return to the old permanent duty station. Members on TEMDU are not attached to any permanent duty station.
ADDITIONAL DUTY (ADDU) ORDERS assign a member to a duty he or she is to perform in addition to and in conjunction with the permanent duty. No travel is authorized by additional duty orders unless specifically stated in the orders. ADDU orders apply only to officers.
TEMPORARY ADDITIONAL DUTY (TAD) ORDERS assign a member to temporary duty in addition to the present duties, directing him or her upon completion of this temporary additional duty to resume regular or temporary duty. When travel is involved, one journey away from the individual’s duty station to one or more places and a return journey to the duty station are directed in the orders. TAD orders automatically expire when the individual returns to the duty station from which he or she proceeded, unless such return is incident to necessary change of train or plane en route to the next temporary additional duty station involved in the orders and no unnecessary delay is taken in making such change, or unless the individual returns for personal reasons in a liberty or leave status. Personnel on temporary additional duty remain attached to the station from which they initially proceeded on TAD.
REPEATED TRAVEL ORDERS authorize a member to perform, in addition to the present duties, such travel from time to time as necessary for a purpose stated in the orders, the travel being from the duty station to (and from) points designated in the orders. Repeated travel orders are issued only by the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command to members who regularly and frequently make trips away from their duty stations in the performance of assigned duties.
FIRST DUTY ORDERS are the first set of orders that assign the following to a permanent duty station:
1. Inactive personnel
2. Persons being newly commissioned from civilian status
TEMPORARY ACTIVE DUTY ORDERS are the set of orders that assign inactive duty members to temporary duty for a limited or unspecified period of time and which direct, upon completion, release to inactive duty.
RELEASE FROM ACTIVE DUTY ORDERS or separation orders separate members from active duty in the naval service.
TRAINING DUTY ORDERS assign Naval Reserve members to training duty with pay. Written orders should be issued by competent authority. Verbal or phone orders must be confirmed by competent authority, either by written orders or by approval of orders written in the field.
Officer’s orders usually originate in NMPC. The activity is responsible for proper endorsement of the orders and instructions to the individual for the execution of the orders.
Detachment procedures should include the following:
Prepare local checkout sheet.
Make health record entries.
Physical examination as required.
Updated immunizations.
Make service record entries.
Complete page 13 of enlisted service record if temporary officer.
Initiate fitness report.
Prepare notification of relief of collateral duties.
Prepare release from responsibility for classified matter.
Issue Notification of Change of Address En Route, NAVPERS 2700/17.
Transmit records and orders to the officer.
Make entry in the personnel diary.