unit you will have the most contact with is the Enlisted Personnel Management Center (EPMAC). EPMAC maintains magnetic tape or punched card records on billets, personnel, and assigned naval activities, submits data to NMPC, and provides the required information to commands of the operating forces and other components of the Navy.
The personnel diary is a chronological record of personnel attached to a naval activity for duty or temporary duty. Its purpose is to provide the MAPTIS with current accounting information to be used in conjunction with OCR document, message, and Assignment Control Authority input in the preparation of management reports throughout the Navy. Prompt reporting and submission of personnel actions through the Diary Message Reporting System (DMRS) using the format and guidance set forth in EPMACINST 1080.4A (Diary Message Report System Users Manual) is mandatory. Feedback to MAPTIS is in the form of the Officer Distribution Control Report (ODCR) for the officer account and the Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report (EDVR) for the enlisted account.
The DMRS messages shall be prepared by personnel support commands/detachments or naval activities not supported by these commands when directed by EPMAC. A DRMS message is required each normal workday when personnel changes have occurred. At the end of the month, a Monthly Message Diary Summary is used by EPMAC to determine that all daily message submissions have been received. The DMRS provides for the reporting of officer/enlisted transactions as well as for the reporting of transactions for different UICs in a single message.
The Diary Message Reporting System is designed specifically to eliminate preparation time at the activity and eliminate mailing delays, with the end product being more accurate personnel management and manpower documents for all users. The diary message is prepared on DD 173/3 (OCR) (Joint Message Form). The diary message is microfilmed at EPMAC to provide a permanent record of personnel changes. EPMAC uses the diary to establish and maintain local records and to forward personnel data to NMPC through computer tape for inclusion in MAPTIS. A diary message copy is retained by the preparing activity as a permanent chronological record of personnel changes.
The DMRS submission consists of two distinct parts: the subject line and the body of the message.
The subject line contains the identification of the activity responsible for the DMRS submission. An example of the subject line is as follows:
The diary body contains coded transactions for gains, losses, miscellaneous changes, corrections, and memorandum events. The transactions submitted should be listed in the manner most convenient for preparation. Except for MEMO narrative entries, each transaction must be reported on one line.
MESSAGE DIARY TRANSACTION CODES (TACS)—TACS identify and control transactions that are applicable to the officer and enlisted personnel data systems. TAC is an alphabetical/numerical method of expressing a narrative type of entry. For example, when enlisted personnel are gained to an activity for duty, the words “RECEIVED FOR DUTY” are entered in the enlisted personnel diary. TAC 200 is a numerical code that says “RECEIVED FOR” and can be easily processed by a computer.
INFORMATION ITEMS—The body of the diary consists of several information items such as TAC, SSN, name, rate or rank, change information, date, and UIC. In the event that an information item is not reported (i.e., is not applicable or is not known), but is required in the diary entry, the word NONE must be used to denote the absence of the particular data item. The items of information will be separated by a comma (,), and each diary entry will be terminated by a slash (/). The purpose of the / is to enable the computer to separate each diary entry.
MESSAGE NAME FORMAT—An individual’s NAME shall always be reported as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL, and JR, SR, II, III, etc., with NO PUNCTUATION. DO NOT report “NMN” or any other symbol to denote the absence of a middle name. If an