decontamination should be performed promptly.Protect feet from contact with chemical by using adisposable boot/shoe cover made from appropriatematerial.Site ControlFor management purposes, site control is dividedup into three sections.Exclusion Zone (Hot Zone): The area wherethe contamination has occurred. The outerboundary of the exclusion zone should bemarked either by lines, placards, hazard tapeand/or signs, or enclosed by physical barriers.Access control points should be established atthe periphery of the exclusion zone to regulatethe flow of personnel and equipment.Remember also to remain upwind of the dangerarea, and avoid low areas where toxicgases/vapors may tend to settle.Contamination-Reduction Zone (WarmZone): The transition area between thecontaminated area and the clean area. This zoneis designed to prevent the clean support zonefrom becoming contaminated or affected byother site hazards. Decontamination ofpersonnel/equipment takes place in a designatedarea within the contamination-reduction zonecalled the “contamination-reduction corridor.”Support Zone: The location of theadministrative and other support functionsneeded to keep the operations in the exclusionand contamination- reduction zones runningsmoothly. The command post supervisor shouldbe present in the support zone. Personnel maywear normal work clothes within this zone.Figure 5-8 shows the three management sectionsof a hazard zone.RESCUE AND PATIENT CAREPROCEDURESLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Recall rescue,p a t i e n t c a re , a n d d e c o n t a m i n a t i o np ro c e d u re s f o r p a t i e n t s e x p o s e d t ohazardous material.After a safety zone has been established—andregardless of your level of training—you shouldfollow the procedures outlined below:Help isolate the incident site and keep the areaclear of unauthorized and unprotectedpersonnel.Establish and maintain communications withyour dispatcher.Stay upwind and upgrade from the site, andmonitor wind and weather changes.Don’t breathe any smoke, vapors, or fumes.5-24CONTAMINATION-REDUCTION ZONE>> WARM ZONE <<EXCLUSION ZONE>> HOT ZONE <<Victim(s)COMMANDCENTERWINDSUPPORTZONEHM3f0508Figure 5-8.—Hazard zone management sections
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