General anesthetics are usually gas or vapor andare administered by inhalation. Anesthesiology is ahighly specialized field, and the administration of ageneral anesthetic should never be undertaken withoutthe supervision of a medical officer. There may betimes, however, when you, as a Hospital Corpsman,are called upon to assist by administering generalanesthesia. You should, therefore, acquaint yourselfwith the most commonly used general anesthetics andtheir respective properties.Local anesthetics produce loss of sensation topain in a specific area or locality of the body, withoutloss of consciousness or mental capacity. The majorityof these drugs are administered parenterally ortopically.See appendix IV, pages 17 and 18, for a listing ofseveral of the most commonly used anesthetics.OXYTOCICS.—Oxytocics are drugs thatproduce a rhythmic contraction of the uterus. Theiraction is selective for the uterus, although othersmooth muscles are affected. (See appendix IV, page18.)Biological AgentsBiological agents are prepared from livingorganisms or their products. The chief purpose servedby these preparations in the Navy is the immunizationof personnel against infectious disease. They may,however, be used in the treatment of disease or act in adiagnostic capacity. Dosage and routes ofadministration are described in BUMEDINST 6320.1.Biologicals include serums, viruses, toxins,antitoxins, antigens, and bacterial vaccines.Manufacturers of these products must be licensedby the Secretary of the Treasury. Their products aremonitored by the U.S. Public Health Service.The label that must be placed on each package willbear the name, address, and license number of themanufacturer. It will also list the name of the product,lot number, date of manufacture (or expiration), periodof potency, and the minimum potency (or the fact thatthere is no standard of potency).FA C TO R S TO B E R E M E M B E R E DCONCERNING BIOLOGICALS.—Most immu-nizing agents that are used in routine procedures maybe obtained through normal supply channels. (Yellowfever vaccine must be ordered from activities that havebeen designated as supply points for this biological.)Biologicals must be stored in a cool, dry, andpreferably dark place. (Yellow fever vaccine must bemaintained in a frozen state until prepared for use.) Allbiological products should be examined periodically,and a thorough examination for deterioration will beheld immediately preceding their use.E X A M I N AT I O N S O F PA R E N T E R A LSOLUTIONS.—Solutions are examined at least threetimes at the activity at which they are ultimately used:1. Upon receiving the solution.2. Periodically while in storage.3. Immediately preceding use. Parenteralsolutions, unless the label states otherwise, mustbe free of turbidity or undissolved material. Allsolutions should be inverted and gently swirledto bring any sediment or particulate matter intoview. A well-illuminated black or whitebackground will facilitate this examination.Parenteral solutions may be unfit for use because ofdeterioration from prolonged storage,accidental contamination occurring uponoriginal packaging, ordefects that may develop in containers or seals.There is no set rule that can be applicable inregards to any of these factors. Therefore, to ensuresuitability for use, a regimented program of inspectionis necessary.IMMUNIZING AGENTS.—Following is adescriptive list of the most common immunizingagents used by the U.S. armed forces to inoculatemilitary personnel against disease.Diphtheria Antitoxin.—Diphtheria antitoxin is atransparent or slightly opalescent liquid, nearlycolorless, and has a very slight odor due to itspreservative. It is a sterile solution of antitoxicsubstances obtained from the blood serum or plasma ofa healthy horse immunized against diphtheria toxin.Tetanus Antitoxin.—Tetanus antitoxin is a sterilesolution of antitoxic substances that are usuallyobtained from the blood serum or plasma of a healthyhorse that has been immunized against tetanus toxin ortoxoid. Tetanus antitoxin contains not more than 0.4percent cresol or 0.5 percent phenol as a preservative.It is slightly opalescent with a yellow, brown, orgreenish color, depending upon the manufacturer.There will be a slight odor of the preservative used.Tetanus Toxoid.—Tetanus toxoid is a sterilesolution of the growth of the tetanus bacillus,6-8
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