PROPORTION—Two equal ratios considered simultaneously.PROSTRATION—Utter exhaustion.PRURITIS—Intense itching.PSYCHOLOGICAL—Belonging to or of the nature of psychology; the mentalprocess.PURULENT—Pus filled or containing pus.PUSTULE—A small, inflamed elevation of the skin containing pus.QUADRAPLEGIA—Loss of motion and sensation below the neck.RALES—An abnormal sound, either moist or dry, classified by location (e.g.,bronchial rales, laryngeal rales).RATIO—The relationship of one quantity to another of like units.RESERVOIR—A carrier on which an infectious agent depends primarily forsurvival.RESISTANCE—The sum total of body mechanisms that provide barriers to theinvasion of infectious agents or their toxic products.RHINORRHEA—The free discharge of a thin nasal mucus.RHONCHUS—(pl. rhoncii) A rattling throat sound due to partial obstruction; a drycoarse rale in the bronchial tubes.SACRUM—Triangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae.SANITIZATION—The process of cleaning with soap and water or boiling toreduce the number of organisms to a safe level.SEPSIS—The growth of pathogens in living tissue.SERUM—(pl. serums or sera) The watery portion of an animal fluid remainingafter coagulation; plasma minus the clotting proteins and clotting cells.SHOCK—Collapse of the cardiovascular system, characterized by circulatorydeficiency and depression of vital functions.SOLUBILITY—The ability of a solid to dissolve in a given amount of solvent.SPIRITS—Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile substances.SPORE—A microorganism in a resting or dormant state that renders it highlyresistant to destruction.SPRAIN—Injury to the ligaments and soft tissues that support a joint.STERILE—Free of all living organisms.STERILIZATION—The process of destroying all organisms on a substance orarticle by exposure to physical or chemical agents; the process by which allorganisms, including spores, are destroyed.STERNUNTATORS—Vomiting agents.STERTOROUS—Snoring-type breathing sound.STRAIN—Forcible overstretching or tearing of a muscle or tendon.STRIATED—Striped or streaked.AV-10 .
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