The following terms are explained as used in this manual and as commonly defined.
ABDUCTIONMoving an extremity away from the body.
ABRASIONAn area of skin or mucous membrane worn from the body mechanically by
some unusual or abnormal process.
ABSCESSA localized collection of pus.
ACIDOSISA condition resulting from acid accumulating in the body.
ADDUCTIONBringing an extremity toward the body.
ADIPOSEOf a fatty nature.
ADRENERGICActivated by, characteristic of, or secreting epinephrine or similar
ABSORBENTA drug which takes up other substances by absorption.
ADSORPTIONThe attachment of one substance to the surface of another.
AEROBICGrowing only in the presence of oxygen.
AFFECT(n.) Feeling experienced in connection with an emotion.
ALBUMINURIAAlbumin in the urine.
ALIMENTARYPertaining to food or digestion.
ALKALOSISA pathogenic condition resulting from accumulation of base in, or loss of
acid from, the body.
AMBULATORYWalking or able to walk.
ANABOLISMThe constructive process by which the simple products of digestion are
converted by living cells into more complex compounds and living matter for cellular
growth and repair.
ANAEROBICGrowing only in the absence of oxygen.
ANALGESICA drug used to relieve pain without producing unconsciousness or
impairing mental capacities.
ANATOMYThe science of the structure of the body and the relationship of its parts to
each other.
ANEMIAA decrease in certain elements of the blood, especially red cells and
ANESTHESIOLOGISTA physician who specializes in anesthesiology.
ANESTHESIOLOGYA branch of medicine that studies anesthesia and anesthetics.
ANESTHETISTA registered nurse trained in administering anesthetics.
ANISOCORIAUnequal diameter of the pupils.
ANODYNEA drug that relieves pain.
ANOREXIALoss of appetite.
ANTHELMINTICA drug that expels, paralyzes, or kills intestinal worms.