Figure 2-2. - Examination instrument setup.
The four different types of dental examinations are discussed in the paragraphs that follow. To ensure uniformity in nomenclature and definitions, dental examinations are classified by type.
This is the ideal examination, for it is the most extensive dental examination. The dentist will perform a comprehensive hard and soft tissue examination that includes: oral cancer screening examination; mouth- mirror, explorer, and periodontal probe examination; adequate natural or artificial illumination; pano- graphic or full-mouth periapical, and posterior bitewing radiographs; blood pressure recording; and when indicated, percussive, thermal and electrical test, transillumination, and study models. Included are those lengthy clinical evaluations required to establish a complex clinical diagnosis and the formulation of a total treatment plan. For example: treatment planning for full-mouth reconstruction; determination of the etiology or differential diagnosis of a patient's chief complaint, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction and associated oral facial pain; or lengthy history taking relative to determining a diagnosis, or in-processing examination for officer candidates.
TYPE 2, ORAL EXAMINATION Comprehensive hard and soft tissue examination, which will include: oral cancer screening examination; mouth-mirror, explorer, and periodontal probe examination; adequate natural or artificial illumination; appropriate panographic or intraoral radiographs as indicated by the clinical examination; and blood pressure recording. An appropriate treatment plan will be recorded. This type is the routine examination, which is normally done only one time per treatment regimen per patient, unless circumstances warrant another complete examination.
TYPE 3, OTHER EXAMINATION This examination consists of diagnostic procedures as appropriate for: consultation between staff or staff residents; observation where no formal consult is prepared; certain categories of physical
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