molar to the lowermost aspect of the third molar on the opposite side. Figure 2-7 illustrates an edentulous mandibular arch.
- Inscribe crossing lines (fig. 2-8) one extending from the maxillary right third molar to the mandibular left third molar and the other line from the maxillary left third molar to the mandibular right third molar.
- In the diagram of the tooth, draw an arcing line through the long axis. Figure 2-9 illustrates teeth #17 and #32 as partially erupted.
- In the diagram of the tooth, draw an outline of the restoration showing size, location, and shape, and block in solidly. The following are different types of amalgam restorations:
Occlusal (O): Chart along the grooves on the occlusal surface (fig. 2-10, teeth #l, #2, and #5).
Figure 2-7. - Missing teeth and edentulous mandibular arch.
Figure 2-8. - Edentulous mouth.
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