listed in this section. When the indicated treatment is completed, the pencil entry is erased.
Charting Symbols (Box 1) Use the following instructions for charting in the section, Accession and Subsequent Diseases and Abnormalities Section (Box 1). Make sure you do not enter these symbols in Box 2, Missing Teeth at Time of Accession and Treatments Completed After Accession. Entering these symbols in the wrong area would prevent differentiation between the caries and the restorations. Figure 2-21 illustrates charting symbols for Box 1.
CARIES. - On the diagram of the tooth affected, draw an outline of the carious portion, showing approximate size, location, and shape; block in solidly.
DEFECTIVE RESTORATION. - Outline the defective restoration, including the carious or otherwise defective area, and block in solidly.
UNERUPTED TOOTH. - Outline all aspects of the tooth with a single oval. This includes impacted teeth.
INCLINATION (TILT) OF IMPACTED TEETH. - Draw an arrow of the facial aspect of the crown portion of the diagram that indicates the direction of the long axis of the tooth.
EXTRACTION (REMOVAL) INDICATED. - Draw two parallel vertical lines through all aspects of the tooth and roots involved. This applies also to unerupted teeth when removal is necessary.
RETAINED ROOT. - Draw a horizontal line on the root showing the level of retention. Place an "X" on the missing area. Draw two parallel lines in the direction of the long axis of the root through the part that is retained if extraction is indicated.
FRACTURED TOOTH. - Trace a jagged fracture line in the relative position on the crown or roots affected.
PERIAPICAL RADIOLUCENCY. - Outline approximate size, form, and location of the periapical radiolucencies, such as an abscess or cyst.
FISTULA. - Draw a straight line from the involved area, ending in a small circle in a position on the chart corresponding to the location of the tract orifice (opening) in the mouth.
UNDERFILLED ROOT CANAL. - Draw a vertical line from the crown toward the apex showing the extent of the filling.
Figure 2-21. - Charting symbols for Box 1, Accession and Subsequent Diseases and Abnormalities.
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