experience this may tell you they feel weak and dizzy while getting out of the dental chair after a procedure. If a patient is still conscious, have him sit back in the dental chair and place him in the Trendelenburg’s position (fig. 9-5). Place the patient in a position slightly lower than supine with feet elevated slightly above the head.
Weakness, dizziness, black spots in vision
Pale face, blue lips
Cold perspiration
Rapid, weak pulse
Shallow breathing
Activate clinic's emergency response team if deemed needed by the dental officer
Lay victim down
Elevate feet (Trendelenburg style)
Loosen tight clothing
Maintain an open airway
Use an ammonia ampule
Anaphylactic shock is the result of a severe allergic reaction. It is a life-threatening emergency and usually occurs within seconds after the victim is exposed.
Itching and burning of the skin with flushing
Cyanosis around the lips
Swelling of the face and tongue
Swelling of the blood vessels just underneath the skin
Weak, rapid pulse
Low blood pressure
Painful, squeezing sensation in the chest
Difficulty breathing
Respiratory wheezing
Nausea, vomiting
Abdominal cramps
Activate clinic's emergency response team. Provide treatment according to BLS procedures (including CPR).
Hypoglycemia is caused by low blood sugar in the body. Anyone can be affected by hypoglycemia. It can occur if a victim has not eaten for a long period of time,
Figure 9-5. - Trendelenburg's position.
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