(NAVMED 6710/6). Many dental treatment facilities, are able to prescribe drugs and medications through an automated pharmacy system (computerized). This saves the patient valuable time by not having to stand in line and wait for prescriptions. All drugs prescribed are to be documented by the dentist in the patient's Dental Health Record on the SF 603/603A. Instructions for preparation of outpatient prescriptions and automated pharmacy procedures can be found in the MANMED, chapter 21.
Most drugs for direct patient use have cautions or warnings preprinted on the label warning the user of hazards of handling involved. When no label is on a drug, you must clearly place a label indicating its name, proper warnings, and its strength. Powerful and dangerous drugs require special labeling. The information on these special labels should be typed or printed in RED with the caution warning above the name. Listed below are examples of cautions you might encounter.
It is your responsibility to know every precaution of use, handling, and storage for each drug or chemical you come in contact with for the safety of yourself and your patient.
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