Any item that has had a frequency of demand of two or more demands within the past 6 months or has a predictable demand frequency of two or more demands based on deployed or seasonal usage is designated an SIM item. Any item that does not meet the demand frequency for SIM items is designated as non-SIM. Any consumable item that meets the frequency of demand criteria for an SIM item but is not stocked by the supply department (usually because of space limitation) is designated as an SIM-DTO item. Inventory management of repair parts and consumables designated as SIM items requires:
Inventory management of non-SIM repair parts and consumables requires:
Physical inventory is a prerequisite to efficient inventory control. The primary objective of a physical inventory is to ensure that the inventory balances as reflected in stock or custody records agree with the actual physical quantities on hand.
Several different types of inventories are conducted, depending upon the type of materiel involved and type of information needed.
Inventory A bulkhead-to-bulkhead inventory is a physical count of all stock materiel within the ship or within a specific storeroom. This inventory of the ship’s entire stock of repair parts usually is taken during a SOAP. A bulkhead-to-bulkhead inventory of a specific storeroom is taken when a random sampling inventory of that storeroom fails to meet the inventory accuracy rate of 90 percent when directed by TYCOM as a result of a supply management inspection (SMI). It is also taken when directed by the commanding officer or when circumstances clearly indicate that it is essential to effective inventory control.
The specific commodity inventory is a physical count of all items under the same cognizance symbol, FSC, or that support the same operational function, such as boat spares, electron tubes, boiler tubes, or fire brick. This inventory is taken under the same conditions as a bulkheadto-bulkhead inventory; however, prior knowledge of specific stock numbers and item location is required to conduct a specific commodity inventory.
A special materiel inventory requires the physical count of all items that, because of their physical characteristics, costs, mission essentiality, and criticality, are specifically designated for separate identification and inventory control. Special materiel inventories include, but are not limited to, stocked items designated as classified or hazardous. Special materiel inventories also include controlled equipage and presentation silver. Physical inventory of such materiel is