credits the individual with serving both dates and facilitates accuracy in total service computations.
The procedures to be followed include making the appropriate entry of discharge and reenlistment on the Abstract of Service, NAVMED 6150/4, and retaining the form in the health record.
The service record procedures include the following:
Remove pertinent forms and documents from the left side of the old service record and transfer them to the left side of the new service record. This applies to all copies of enlisted performance evaluations (which are placed under the Career Performance Data Sheet, NAVPERS 1070/6 17, together with the certified copy of the old page 9); NAVPERS 1414/4, Personnel Advancement Requirement; and all copies of forms or documents dealing with a security clearance.
Additional requirements for discharge and immediate reenlistment include recouping and destroying the old ID Card and issuing a new one, recouping and destroying the old Uniformed Services ID and Privilege Cards, as required for dependents, and making appropriate diary entries.
People in the Navy will be transferred periodically from one ship or station to another, sometimes permanently and other times temporarily. The degree of efficiency with which members are transferred and received has a tremendous influence upon their morale and attitude toward the Navy. Effective and expedient processing of personnel in transit is a command responsibility, and each individual involved should do the utmost to prevent snarling the process and giving transients the runaround.
Change of duty orders are orders that detach a member from one duty station and assign him or her to another station.
PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) ORDERS involve detachment from one permanent duty station and assignment to a new permanent duty station. Periods of temporary duty may be included in orders that assign you to a new permanent duty station upon completion of the temporary duty.