The description must be clear and concise to permit the dealer to correctly identify the requirement.
The purchase order must be signed by the supply officer in his capacity as a contracting officer of the Naval Supply Systems Command. DD Form 1155 is distributed as follows:
The imprest fund is a small amount of money at an activity that is used for making purchases on the open market. All purchases are paid for in cash, and no one purchase may exceed 0 except in emergencies when 0 is the limit.
The authorization to set up an imprest fund must be in writing, and the amount of the fund must conform to the command’s actual needs (usually 00). In any event, the maximum may not exceed 00. The fund is reviewed quarterly to determine current needs by the officer who approved the fund or his or her delegated representatives. The maximum size of the imprest fund will be one third of the monthly disbursements or 0, whichever is greater, but will not exceed 00 unless authority is specifically granted by the cognizant Naval Regional Procurement Office.
Imprest funds MAY NOT be used for:
A blanket purchase agreement (BPA) is an arrangement established with a vendor to furnish designated categories of materiel for a specific period. BPAs may not be established by ships but may be requested from the shore supply activity. This simplified method of making small purchases on the open market establishes charge accounts with qualified supply sources to cover expected small item purchases in the same general category. Since this arrangement eliminates the need to issue individual purchase orders for small requirements, make purchases by placing orders, either orally or by informal memoranda, against BPA.
When a BPA is desired and the conditions in NAVSUP P-485 exist, the supply officer or commanding officer of a ship without a Supply Corps officer attached must submit a letter request to the supporting shore supply activity requesting that a BPA be established. Forward a copy of this letter to TYCOM, and make sure it contains the following information:
Name(s) of individuals within the supply department authorized to place calls against BPA
When the supply activity determines that the request is justifiable, the supply activity will negotiate and prepare a BPA. Send copies of BPA to the ship, the vendor, and the activity designated to make payment.
Materiel is obtained by the authorized person designated in BPA by placing calls to the vendor. Consult NAVSUP P-485 for additional information on call procedures, billing, screening, and the review required under the BPA procedure.
Stock points consist of naval supply centers (NSCs), naval supply depots (NSDs), and industrial naval air stations (INASs).
The mission of these activities is to furnish supply support to fleet units, shore activities, transient ships, and overseas bases. They accomplish this by procuring, receiving, storing, issuing, and shipping or making other distribution of Navy, DLA, and GSA cognizance materiel.
Stock points are designated as reporting activities, and they render issue and receipt transaction reports to inventory control points (ICPs). Using these reports as a basis, ICPs