4. Security of examinations is accomplished by appointment of an officer who receives and has custody of all examinations. After the examination is completed, the test booklets are destroyed under security conditions, and the completed answer sheets are sent to the examination center for evaluation of each examinee’s answers. Locally prepared and evaluated examinations for nonpetty officer grades must have comparable security.
Patients may participate in advancement in rating examinations provided they have been recommended and nominated prior to hospitalization, and the hospital commanding officer does not consider the participation detrimental to their health, Being in a patient status in no way interferes with advancement in rating, and eligible personnel shall be advanced as if they had returned to full duty.
Under certain conditions personnel may legally be retained beyond the date of expiration of enlistment or other period of obligated service, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
VOLUNTARY EXTENSIONS may be made by the individual at any time prior to the date the extension takes effect, but not thereafter, either for the convenience of the government or the individual concerned. The Agreement to Extend Enlistment, NAVPERS 1070/621, is prepared as page 1A for the service record. The page is signed by the individual and by the commissioned officer who administers the oath. Parts 1 and 2 provide input to MAPTIS when the agreement is made, canceled, or becomes operative. They are filed in the member’s service record in NMPC. Parts 3 through 6 provide data for the field service record, the disbursing officer, and the activity file.
Remember, the agreement is automatically effected unless legally canceled prior to the expiration of the enlistment.
INVOLUNTARY EXTENSIONS may be made under certain conditions if the commanding officer or higher authority considers the individual’s retention essential to the public interest. In this case an appropriate entry is made on page 13, Administrative Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613, of the individual’s service record. PAGE 1A IS NOT USED.
Separation is the term used to encompass all releases from active naval service except death and desertion. It includes discharge, dismissal, revocation of commission, resignation, release from active duty, transfer to the Fleet Reserve or retired list, etc.
A discharge may be issued from one to five types of certificates. The certificate specifies the type of discharge authorized and is issued for a specific reason. The following is an explanation of the types of discharges and a list of reasons for each. HONORABLE DISCHARGE (USE DD FORM 256N) An honorable discharge is a separation from the service with honor. A separation with honor may be effected by the individual’s commanding officer or higher authority when the individual is eligible for or subject to discharge and it has been determined that he or she merits an honorable discharge under the standards prescribed in this chapter. Issuance of an honorable discharge is conditioned upon:
1. Eligibility for discharge for one of the following reasons:
a. Expiration of enlistment
b. Fulfillment of service obligation
c. Disability
d. Convenience of the government
e. Dependency or hardship
f. Minority
g. Unsuitability
h. Security
i. When directed by the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command
2. Proper military behavior and proficient, industrious performance of duty, having due regard to the rate held and the capabilities of the individual concerned
PERSONNEL ON ACTIVE DUTY—During the enlistment, induction, or other service obligation, the individual must have made a final overall average of not less than 2.7 and an average of not less than 3.0 in military behavior. An E-5 or E-6 11-9