CCs 62-64, REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE—The standard delivery date for the assigned PD is normally the required delivery date. Therefore, enter no required delivery date in CCs 62-64 except under conditions explained in NAVSUP P-485.
DATA BLOCKS G, H, I, J, AND K, STATUS DATA—Leave these blocks blank.
CCs 65-66, ADVICE—The advice code is used to provide the required information to the supplier. Figure 12-7 explains how to use advice code 5A.
All requisitions for mandatory turn-in repairable (MTRs) must contain the proper advice code (5A, 5D, 5G, 5S, or 5X) in CCs 65-66. These advice codes have special significance for MTRs and take precedence over any other advice code.
Any other advice code must be entered in the REMARKS block of the requisition and a document identifier A05 or A0E is entered in CCs 1-3.
For afloat/FMF medical departments, use advice code 2-G for the ordering of all medical supplies. A second advice code may be entered in the REMARKS block of DD 1348. The 2-G code is used to obtain small quantities of AMAL items with the most distant expiration dates. If materiel is still received with an unacceptable remaining shelf life, submit an Item Discrepancy, SF 364, under NAVSUPINST 4440.127.
DATA BLOCKS L-V, REMARKS—These blocks are used to convey the necessary exception data pertinent to the processing of the requisition by the supply activity. When exception data is entered in the REMARKS block, enter document identifier code A05 or A0E in CCs 1-3. Use exception data only when required because
prevents A05 A0E automatic processing of the requisition by computerized supply activities. Exception data is usually limited to the following:
An additional advice code, if required, when advice code 5A, 5D, 5G, 5S, or 5X is entered in CCs 65-66