DD 1149 is used as the procurement document for the items excluded from MILSTRIP. It is shown in figure 12-9.
The requisition number and priority are assigned in the same way as for the MILSTRIP requisition. However, when more than one item is being ordered, show only the UIC and Julian date in data block 6. A separate serial number is assigned to each item on the requisition (fig. 12-9). A requisition for bulk fuel or bulk lube oil may include only one item on each DD 1149. Figure 12-10 illustrates a requisition for petroleum products.
On DD 1149s for materiel other than bulk petroleum products, enter “FUND CODE” and the appropriate fund code in data block 4.
Certain materiel and situations may require procurement by letter or message instead of by requisition. There is little difference in the three types of procurement except in form. The request must still convey to the supplying and approving activities the accounting and descriptive data necessary to process the transaction.
You, as a medical supply person, must try to keep letter requests to a minimum. Use these requests when it is necessary to discuss the materiel requirement or when the cognizant command or bureau requires a letter format. Assign each item of materiel listed in a letter request a separate requisition number in the regular MILSTRIP series and format. Also, specify the authorized priority designator and appropriate fund code or accounting data.
In certain situations, you will have to procure urgent materiel requirements by message rather than by submitting standard requisition documents. Submit message requisitions in a specified format, and make sure they convey the same data required on DD 1348, DD 1348-6, or NAVSUP 1250-1.
Fleet units use message requisitions for priority 01-08 requisitions unless they can be transmitted more expediently by other means. Fleet units also use messages for priority 09-15 requisitions when transmission by airmail will not result in delivery of the requisitioned materiel by the required time. When a message requisition is prepared, submit a DD 1348, DD 1348-6, or NAVSUP 1250-1 for each item requested in the message. Since the message replaces the original form, discard the original of each DD 1348, DD 1348-6, or the original and white copy