job may call for skills that none of your personnel have. These and similar problems require that you be a training specialist who can conduct training programs and train individuals and groups in executing their tasks.
You will have increasing responsibilities for working with others. As you advance to HM 1 and then to HMC, you will find that many of your plans and decisions affect a large number of people, including some who are not members of the Medical Department. It is therefore important that you understand the duties and responsibilities of personnel in other ratings, especially those with whom you have interdepartmental dealings. Every petty officer in the Navy is a technical specialist in his or her own field. Learn as much as you can about the work of others so that it will fit in with the overall mission of the organization.
As your responsibilities increase, your ability to communicate clearly and effectively must also increase. The basic requirement for effective communication is a knowledge of your own language. Use correct language in speaking or writing. Remember that the basic purpose of all communication is understanding. To lead, supervise, and train others, you must be able to communicate in such a way that others can understand exactly what you mean.
A second requirement for effective communication in the Navy is a knowledge of the Navy way of saying things. Some Navy terms have been standardized to ensure communication. When a situation calls for the use of standard Navy terminology, use it.
Another requirement of effective communication is precision in the use of technical terms. A command of the technical language peculiar to the Medical Department allows you to receive and convey information accurately and to exchange ideas with others. Persons who do not understand the meaning of terms used in connection with the work of their own rating are at a disadvantage when they try to read official publications. They are also at a great disadvantage when they take the written examination for advancement. Although it is always important for you to use technical terms correctly, it is especially important when you are dealing with lower rated personnel; sloppiness in the use of technical terms is likely to be very confusing to them.
You will have increased responsibilities for keeping up with new developments. Practically everything in the Navy—policies, procedures, systems—is subject to change and development. You must keep yourself informed of all changes and new developments that might affect your rating or your work.
Some changes will be called directly to your attention, others you will have to look for. Try to develop a special alertness for new information. Keep up to date on all available sources of technical information. Publications of continuing interest to supervisors in the Medical Department are U.S. Navy Medicine and all notices and instructions, especially those from NAVMEDCOM.
1. Have a certain amount of time in pay grade
2. Complete the required military and occupational training courses.
3. Demonstrate the ability to perform all the practical requirements for advancement by completing the Personal Advancement Requirement PAR), NAVPERS 1414/4.
4. Be recommended by your commanding officer.
5. Demonstrate your knowledge by passing a written examination based on:
a. The military requirements for advancement
b. The occupational qualifications for advancement in the hospital corpsman rating
Advancement in rating is not automatic. Meeting all requirements makes you eligible but does not guarantee your advancement. The factors that determine which persons, out of all those who take the examinations, will actually be advanced are the scores made on the written examination, the length of time in service, the performance marks of the individual, and the quotas set for the rating.
Remember that the requirements for advancement may change from time to time. Check with your division officer or training officer to be sure you meet the most recent requirements when you are preparing for advancement or helping others to prepare for it.