of the NAVSUP 1250-1, and distribute the remaining copies by the established procedures.
When materiel is authorized to be requisitioned by message and no exception data is required, prepare message requisitions for NSN and NICN items for transmittal through the Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS). DAAS is a real-time random access digital computer system that uses the Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) switching centers of the Defense Communications System to receive and automatically retransmit MILSTRIP messages to the proper addressees. An input message to DAAS may include multiple requisitions, followups, requisition modifiers, and cancellation requests, provided that each document included in the message is limited to 66 CCs of data as illustrated in figure 12-11.
Prepare message requisitions for non-NSN and NICN items or items requiring exception data as shown in figure 12-12. Submit these requisitions in MILSTRIP format; separate data elements by slants (/); and identify data elements that are not applicable by “BLNK.”
A message requisition for non-NSN and NICN items may contain no more than seven requisitions, and they must have the same routing identifier. For detailed instructions on message requisitions, see NAVSUP P-485.
Purchase actions are normally taken by a shore activity as a result of ships’ requisitions. However, ships’ supply officers and commanding officers of ships without Supply Corps officers may get emergency supplies or services by purchasing them on the open market when all of the following conditions exist: