“FT(O)’’—From Transfer (other medical facility). The admission shall be considered FT(0) when the inpatient is received from a civilian (U.S. or foreign) medical facility or from a government medical facility other than Navy, Army, or Air Force.
“LB’’—Live Birth. The admission shall be recorded as LB when the birth of an infant occurs within the confines of the medical treatment facility.
“NBD’’—Newborn With Mother Direct. If the birth of an infant occurs outside of the confines of the medical treatment facility, and the baby is then admitted with the mother, the category used will be NBD.
“NBFT”—Newborn With Mother From Transfer. If the birth of an infant occurs outside of the medical treatment facility, and the mother and child were previously admitted to another medical treatment facility prior to transfer, the category assigned will be NBFT.
This branch arranges for the transfer of patients to and from other hospitals and facilities, and performs all procedures required in connection with the movement of patients through the medical evacuation system. Specific procedures for use of the medical evacuation system are contained in BUMEDINST 6320.1D and NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.4 series.
This branch provides service to all persons seeking information about medical records and patient services, directs each patient for proper discharge checkout procedures, answers all telephonic inquiries and makes appropriate referral when necessary, and maintains a current alphabetical roster of patients in the hospital and those discharged from the hospital.
This branch provides coordination between attending physicians and Medical Holding Company Branch patients and the Military Personnel Records Branch, coordinates use of patients at work sites throughout the hospital, maintains a listing of patients assigned, and complies with reporting requirements of higher authority.
This division provides decedent affairs counseling, submits death certificates to state officials, holds money and valuables of patients for safekeeping, processes third-party liability cases, coordinates personnel functions with the local Personnel Support Activity Detachment for active duty military inpatients, processes periodic physical examination cases, and processes medical correspondence. Some large facilities have further divided the Patient Personnel Services Division into branches.
This branch interviews the next of kin of deceased persons in appropriate cases, performs all administrative procedures in connection with the Decedent Affairs Program, maintains custody of and makes final disposition of personal effects of deceased personnel, maintains the Death Register, and closes out and makes final disposition of health and personnel records of deceased military personnel.
This branch schedules the periodic examinations ordered by higher authority with the individual patient, arranges for consultations with appropriate clinical departments, and compiles each case and forwards the results to the appropriate higher authority.
This branch compiles and submits reports in connection with injuries and third-party liability cases, maintains liaison with the Navy Area Legal Service Office, and prepares and submits claims for treatment received by active duty members from nonfederal sources.
This branch processes all requests for copies of inpatient records from patients, employers, and insurance companies, obtains records from other treatment facilities and Federal Record Centers,