Services of a clinical nature are provided through the appropriate clinical departments.
The Outpatient Administration Division develops and implements a variety of administrative systems and procedures, The division administers the Health Benefits Counseling Program, maintains, controls, and coordinates the filing and distribution system for outpatient treatment records, performs functions relative to the central appointment system, reports statistical data for the naval hospital, coordinates outpatient active duty consultations referred to the command, maintains all staff military health records, verifies eligibility for health care through presentation of a valid identification (ID) card and use of the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Supporting System (DEERS), and performs a variety of other administrative and clerical duties. Some large facilities have further divided the Outpatient Administration Division into branches.
This branch schedules all patient appointments for participating physicians and outpatient clinics as designated by the appropriate department head. The Central Appointment Branch prepares appointment availability reports as required, and serves all eligible beneficiaries, with active duty personnel receiving first priority in all clinics.
This branch collects, collates, and reports statistical information monthly, provides counseling and advice to patients seeking information on health benefits, ensures patients are eligible for nonfederal health care through DEERs and ID card verification, and prepares and coordinates the issuance of nonavailability statements.
This branch coordinates the various clinic patient contact points, and serves as the patient contact point for the Outpatient Administration Division.
Outpatient Registration Branch This branch provides for the referral of outpatients to the appropriate outpatient clinic, maintains and utilizes DEERS, establishes new terminal digit outpatient treatment records on outpatients in accordance with NAVMEDCOMINST 6150.1 series, prepares outpatient recording cards as required, maintains the locator media for outpatient records in the terminal digit filing system, provides initial information to new outpatients regarding the ambulatory health care services provided at the naval hospital, provides the administrative support necessary for the receipt, transfer, and retirement of all outpatient medical records, coordinates and controls active duty consultations referred to the command, and processes consultation requirements expeditiously.
This branch provides referral of active duty members to the appropriate outpatient clinics, ensures priority is given to active duty members who present for treatment, maintains custody of all staff military health records, screens military health records for completeness and conformity with JCAH standards, and accomplishes annual verification of military health records to ensure that they are in compliance with NAVMEDCOMINST 6150.1 and other directives pertaining to such issues as immunizations.
The fact that a person seeking treatment is or was connected with the federal government does not automatically entitle him or her to treatment at a naval medical treatment facility. A number of factors determine eligibility to certain types of medical attention and the source and amount of remuneration for that treatment. The following section deals with eligibility verification by presentation of a valid ID card and utilization of DEERS. Further guidance can also be obtained by familiarizing yourself with the following sources:
SECNAVINST 6320.8 series, Uniformed Services Health Benefits Program
NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.3 series, Medical Care for Eligible Persons at Naval Medical Facilities
NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.1 series, Nonnaval Medical Care