those members reported as casualties while away from their regular duty station.
Submit all personnel casualty reports by priority message.
Action Addressees on Personnel Casualty Reports
1. Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command
2. Commander, Naval Medical Command
3. Casualty Assistance Calls/Funeral Honors Support (CAC/FHS) program coordinators of the area in which the primary and secondary NOK reside or the appropriate overseas CAC/FHS program coordinator
4. The Office of Medical Affairs (OMA) serving the naval geographic region where death occurred
Information Addressees on Personnel Casualty Reports
1. Secretary of the Navy
2. Navy Finance Center
3. Navy Family Allowance Activity, Cleveland (if the member reported is in a missing status or if the status is being changed from missing to deceased)
4. CAC/FHS program coordinator of the area in which the casualty occurred
5. The Chief of Naval Operations (if the casualty is incidental to operations, and on all reports of progress in searches for missing members)
6. The appropriate home port/station, type commander, appropriate operational and administrative commands, and if appropriate, the Enlisted Personnel Management Center (EPMAC)
7. The command or activity designated by the CAC/FHS program coordinator to provide casualty assistance
8. Fleet Home Town News Center
9. Naval Safety Center
10. Judge Advocate General
11. Appropriate Naval Legal Service Office (if the casualty is the result of other than natural causes)
12. The OMA serving the geographic region in which the PNOK resides
If the decedent was a Marine Corps member, follow the notification procedures and message formats contained in the Marine Corps Casualty Procedures Manual. Ensure that the OMA serving the geographic region where death occurs is notified for coordination and contractual arrangements.
In cases of death, personal notification (a personal visit by a uniformed Navy representative) will be made between 0600 and 2200, except under unusual circumstances (e.g., the news media is expected to make a press release or the member has been hospitalized in serious or very serious condition within CONUS and the NOK is already aware of the prognosis).
Within CONUS, it is the responsibility of the member’s commanding officer to ensure that personal notification is made. Outside CONUS, the COMNAVMILPERSCOM will ensure that personal notification is made through the appropriate senior commander overseas.
Each notification, via other than telegram, must be confirmed by a telegram unless the primary NOK (PNOK) or secondary NOK (SNOK) has specifically stated that written confirmation is not desired. This follow-up notification should take place within 24 hours of the personal notification.
See MILPERSMAN 4210100 for examples of basic telegram formats for notification and confirmation of death. The formats are presented for guidance only and rigid adherence is not required; however, the formats should not be unnecessarily altered.
With the exception of personnel missing in action or those cases in which the PNOK or SNOK is criminally charged in the member’s death, COs will write a letter to the appropriate NOK within 48 hours of the casualty. The letter, in addition to expressions of condolence, should contain appropriate details of the casualty; however, no details should be included that are likely to aggravate or distress the NOK. A